Archive January

为我今晚和明天聚会祷告吧。。。 Pray for my meetings tonight and tomorrow…

基本上我不太去这样的演唱会的,但因为音乐总监是我好友 Martin Tang, 他也是一位牧师,所以我很好奇想看他的作品,就带着 Jaydon, Ray 和 Fabian 作伴去看看一下演唱会如何,我们还坐前面第四排贵宾席,是一个很不同的经历。。。



Busy with recording from Mon 25th till yesterday, last night Amei’s concert’s music director gave me four tickets to watch Amei’s “Amit Live Concert”…
Basically I do not go to such concerts, but because the concert’s music director is my good friend Martin Tang, and he is also a pastor, so I was very curious to see his work and brought along Jaydon, Ray and Fabian to go with me to see how the concert was like, we were  sitting in the fourth row VIP seats, it was a very different experience, …

Today I will stay in the hotel room throughout to concentrate on and prepare for my evangelistic concert tonight, sending the message to you all now to pray hard for me, that many souls will be saved and only the Lord’s name be glorified, Amen!

Thanks and may God bless all of you…

我紧抱着的这人是谁? Who is this that I hugged so tightly?

Do you know who this is that I hugged so tightly?

不要误会,其实挺好玩的啦。。。 Don’t misunderstand me, actually it is quite fun…

昨天唱“轻烟”时,需要想象Susan Boyle那种艺术美感唱法;今天唱“来指引我”又要唱得像美国摇滚歌手“嘶哑、呐喊”唱法,两个极端,你们说难不难?但听到自己录出来的声音真的是挺好玩的。。。
Haha… after reading my previous post “What A Torture”, many quickly came to comfort me thinking that it is “a real” torture for me…
Thank you all for caring, but actually it is not really that bad, it is just a “description” to say it is very challenging…
Yesterday while singing “A Mist”, I had to imagine Susan Boyle’s type of classical and beautiful singing; and today I had to imagine American rock singer’s “husky and broken-voice” style while singing “Come and Guide Me”, two extremes, so you tell me is it difficult? But to hear your own recorded voice is really quite fun…

Look, don’t  I look so happy?

Singing is a very happy thing, especially if you are singing for the Lord…

You ask Gao Zun and he will tell you, really need to learn from him, he is so good and so talented…

But recording an album is really not that simple, especially when your producer is very professional, and they will do their best to “grind” you so that your God-given potentials can come out…

So when I think of how gracious God is and how He has blessed me, I would be very happy and grateful and would want to do the best for Him…

When feeling tired from recording, just pause a while and take a drink…
Or pause to think again of God’s love and grace…

Consider again how insignificant we are and how great God is, and know what great privilege it is to serve Him…

Knowing after all the hard work, you will see the beautiful result…

Thank God I am His beautiful creation… ( Eh? Has this got anything to do with today’s topic on recording? Haha…)