
沙漠 Desert

When you hear the mentioning of desert, what would you think of?
Scorching heat? Dryness? Sand and dust everywhere? Not a very comfortable feeling…


I believe it must be very tough to live in the desert, but for us tourists, we were like very excited and thrilled and in a hurry to take photos, but after that in a hurry to look for a cool shelter from the scorching sun, could not even stand a few minutes… the air-conditioner in the tour coach was such a luxury.


A classic Chinese song sings “my passion and love is like the fire burning up the entire desert”… feels like a very uncomfortable passion to me, haha!


But no matter how hot, dry or uncomfortable it is, the desert still has its uniqueness, beauty and usefulness…
At least it makes tourists from the tropical rainforests like us very happy and impressed!


I cannot imagine how the Israelites could wander and survive in the desert wilderness for forty years, how God protected and provided for them! God is indeed very faithful and very true!
So if God could take care of and bless more than a million of His people then in such a hostile environment, all the more He could do the same for you and I today!


Therefore, if you are currently in a very difficult and hopeless situation or condition, remember to come to God to rest and once again look upon His reality, faithfulness and greatness!


As long as you persevere in believing, He has promised to make a way in the desert and streams in the wilderness for you!


就是喜歡~ Simply like them~



People’s tastes are just so strange, certain things you may like so much but others just do not, and there are things that you just do not like while others do. It can be fashion, music, art, food… or just anything! Guess this is good for in this way everything can find someone who admires it.



In fact, with regard ourselves, there are areas that we like and parts that we do not like about ourselves too. That is why sometimes we seem to love ourselves a lot and at times we seem to hate ourselves! Such is the irony of a human being, very complicated and troublesome.



For example myself, I have taken so many photos, some were taken at the same place and time and yet there would be some that I really like and some that I do not even want to have a second look. The photos in this post are those that I really like, but there are also those taken during the same trip which I do not like at all. What is the reason? The clothes I wore? The pose? The angle? Photographing skill? Or what?



All things said, the truth is, there is only one reason why we like some of our own photos, that is we think we look really nice or pleasant in those photos. Sometimes we would not even care if others think the same, as long as we like them ourselves, haha! Actually, to be able to admire ourselves is any time better than despising ourselves, do you not think so?



Some photographs are very nice or pleasant, whether due to angles or photographing skills, can only reveal one thing, that is: from a certain angle or perspective, we all have moments when we look good. We all actually do have our good points, we all have some values and can be admired by people. If only people can always look at us from that angle or perspective, then they would always admire or see us as pleasant, that would be so good… However, that is not the truth, people instead often use very stringent, cold and critical eyes to view each other, that is why this world is full of conflicts and hurts.



But the most comforting is, our Heavenly Father will always look at us with eyes of loving-kindness, we will always be precious and adorable children in His eyes. If our hearts have more of our Father’s love, we would also have the Father’s eyes and would look at each other with loving-kindness and mercy as well.


如果有這麼一條河。。。 If there is such a river…


If there is such a river, the water can wash away all your sins; all your filth and dirt you have been contaminated with can be taken away by the river, would you go everywhere to search for this river?


If there is such a river, the water can wash away all your shame, remorse and regrets… would you run to look for this river?


If there is such a river, the water can cleanse you totally, give you a brand new start, and brighten up your journey ahead, would you immediately jump into the river to renew yourself?


然而当你找到这条河时,若它看起来不如你所想像,感觉不是你所幻想,或某种原因使你排斥、动摇,你会不会就掉头离开,就此放弃,而不去给自己一个翻转的机会。。。?However when you have found this river but if it does not appear as what you have expected or does not feel as you have imagined, or for some reason it causes you reject or be shaken, would you just turn and go away and give up, not giving yourself a chance to be transformed…?


The truth is who would not want such a river? The truth is such a river does exist, and the truth is once many people find this river, they would not be able to accept it and they would quickly turn and just walk away…


Such a river is the river of the Holy Spirit of Jesus, in this river you can be born again, forgiven, cleansed, renewed… as long as you open up your heart to believe and receive, this river will flow into your heart and soul and restore your spirit….
