光头日记:(4)一通“我爱你”的电话。。。 Bald Diary : (4) An “I love you” phone call from someone…

I received an “I love you very much” phone call from someone whom I love very much too…


电话另一端说,“我找我最爱的舅舅,因我知道他一定会帮助我。。。” -他是我的外甥,西拉米迦勒。

Who was it actually who brought to my attention and caused me to participate in this “Go bald project” this time?
And who is this that has such big influence over me…?
It all started with a phone call…

The voice from the other end said, “I’m looking for my favourite uncle, and I know he will surely help me…” – he is my nephew, Silas Michael.
Such a sweet talker and I watched him grow from when he was a baby, how could I refuse him? Especially when it is for such a good cause…

That’s him… my eldest sister’s eldest son. How? Does he look like me?
Do you know that he is the older brother of David, the main actor in The Remnant’s MV “Too Late”?

我外甥西拉米迦勒是这次“剃光头行动”的主席,当然他自己也有剃啦。。。很多人说他剃了更帅。。。而我大哥却说我最帅,西拉排第二。。。偏心啦!哈 哈哈。。。
My nephew Silas Michael is the chairman of this “Go Blad Project”, and of course he had to go bald too… Many people said he looks more handsome bald… but my eldest brother said I’m the best looking and Silas comes second… biassed! Hahaha…
What do you say? Hahaha…