再次遇见孙燕姿! I Met Stephanie Sun Once Again!




The first time I met Stephanie was in Beijing on Aug 15th after her concert, I never expected to meet her again one month later on Sept 16th on top of a Swiss mountain… To me, this is very significant, as if God is saying something to us, especially The Remnant… We all know that the music industry is struggling to survive nowadays, and to want to become famous and have good album sales are like reaching for the stars, and yet God called The Remnant out to release their album and to enter the music industry at such a time like this! Human logic will think it very risky and even foolish to give up your stable job to opt for such an insecure career in singing… but God’s thoughts are higher than human thoughts, and the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom; so even if others could not comprehend, The Remnant still chose to obey God’s calling!

What is God saying to The Remnant with this encounter with Stephanie on the Swiss mountain? I believe God is hinting to them that, as long as they continue to trust and obey Him, there will be nothing that is impossible with God and He will turn the impossible into possible! Just like this rather impossible encounter with Stephanie for those few minutes on the Swiss alp which was made possible… “The snowy mountain top” symbolizes “on top of the world”, meaning The Remnant’s career and ministry will certainly scale great heights for God in the world; and to meet with superstar Stephanie here on top of the world means it is certainly possible if God wants The Remnant to become superstars to make an impact in this world!

May this prophecy come to pass in Jesus’ name, Amen!


在瑞士雪山(Mount Titlis)上与燕姿合照    Group photo with Stephanie on Mount Titlis in Switzerland

P9165292右边两位是教会的aunties、燕姿、我 (认得出是哪一位吗?对了,最帅的那位!),还有三位例外人 ( 有一位没在里面,是哪一位?他在哪里啊?错!他没有在帮我们拍照,照片是燕姿的爸爸拍的。) Two aunties from church on the right, Stephanie, me ( can you recognise which one I am? Yes, correct, the most handsome one! ), and three Remnant ( one was missing, which one was that? Where was he? Wrong! He wasn’t taking the picture for us, the photo was taken by Stephanie’s dad. )