压力!压力!压力! Stress! Stress! Stress!


In modern men’s lifestyles, especially city people, stress or “pressure” seems to be something very common… you often hear people say they are very “stressed”…
The truth is to some extent everyone will have stress in their lives in big or small ways, the important thing is how you face or deal with it…
If you handle stress positively, it will drive you to greater heights, but negatively, you might break down!

Basically I am one driven by stress… without pressure, I tend to procrastinate; but when pressure comes, I become more pro-active… but of course there were times I could not take it too…

Some people asked me whether there is any pressure to be a pastor, for sometimes I appear very relaxed and carefree to them, calm and unperturbed…

Oh, please! That is just on the surface, ok?! Inside, there might be a lot of thoughts clashing, upheavals of emotions, unheard screams etc that people cannot see… haha!

I heard some American organisation did a research on stress level before, and they ranked different careers according to their stress levels… the result showed that the job with the highest stress level was air-traffic controller at airport controlling tower, and the next in line was being a “pastor”!
So better appreciate and love your pastor more, they are often concerned for your souls, battling the devil, and facing criticisms from members, no minor stress I tell you!

What to do then when facing too great a pressure?

Of course the great benefit of being a Christian is to be able to come before God, to enter into His presence and hand over everything to Him…
(Eh? How come Danny was shutting one eye with the other open behind?)

But that is on the spiritual side… on the physical, when the pressure proves too great, it is very important to find time to give yourself a break and go for a vacation! It is well-said that ” a good rest is for a longer journey ahead”!

As to how we could know whether our stress level has reached the index for us to urgently take a break or holiday?

敬请期待下一篇 “简单又有效的压力测试法”。。。

I shall be sharing with you in my next posting a stress level test used by all major mental hospitals, a very simple self-test, very easy and very accurate, I have tried it myself, guaranteed satisfaction!
You all must try it, see whether your stress level has reached the index that requires definite break or holiday!
Please patiently await my next posting entitled ” Simple and effective stress level test”