原来那天我的胃造反。。。 The fact was my stomach rebelled that day…

I really had some condition that day…

日期 / Date : 05/08/2010 (四/Thur)

时间 / Time : 1:00pm

地点 / Place : 咖啡店 / Coffee shop




Normally I do not have any gastric problem, even right now, but last Thursday, seeing that we were going to start our nation-wide churches 40-day fast, suddenly my stomach gave me trouble. I was at the coffeeshop to meet the others for lunch, but my stomach was getting more and more painful… I ordered a cup of “Milo” to quickly take a few sips, but the pain got worse till I leaned on the table… seeing my face getting pale, they did not dare to take more photos of me in that condition!

Then I felt some difficulty in breathing, and felt like vomitting… though weak, I quickly rushed to the toilet to vomit… after that they sent me to the hospital to have a check up.
The doctor gave me some gastric pills and suspected whether it was appendicitis… she asked me to see how the condition would be after a few hours…

I was thinking about the fast starting on Sunday, and I must fast! After going home to rest, I was well the next day, haha, praise the Lord! And I have also started fasting two meals a day since Sunday and everything is alright, thank God for the wonderful healing!