吃、吃、吃不停! Eating, eating, eating non-stop…


Normally when we go out for ministry, the locals would entertain us very warmly, always bringing you for meals whether at home or in restaurants…

Before I always had others following me but this time I travelled alone, so the heavy responsibility of eating fell upon me alone! Can I not grow fat this time you think?

Let you see what I eat here…

西餐。。。  western food…

这个是减肥狂 Alvin Lai 和 Daniel J 绝对不敢吃的。。。
This is something the “obsessed” weight-watchers Alvin Lai and Daniel J definitely would not dare to eat…

And what is this? Oh, it’s corn chips… heard that it’s health food, but it’s not very nice…

We are still more accustomed to this type of food…

Ate a lot of king crabs too these few days…

So be prepared to see a different shaped me returning…