恭喜得奖者!!但他们到底是谁。。。?? Congratulations to the winners!! But who are they really?


I have decided to use “Who Is This Really?” as my new album’s title, it was also my original choice right from the start and in the end I returned to this choice again… as to why?
Please purchase my new album and you will know why, haha…

恭喜!!猜对主题的有几位罢了,但我也只能送前面三位,他们就是 :1. Winnie Bong    2. Renee Tan    3. Chieng

请在6月27日之前向同工晓薇报告(Tel : 082-367740),她就会留一份我的新专辑给你们哦!

Congratulations!! Only a few guessed the title right, but I can only give to the first three persons, they are : 1. Winnie Bong    2. Renee Tan    3. Chieng

Please report to my staff Xiao Wei (Tel : 082-367740) before June 27th and she will reserve a copy of my new CD for you!