我们真与孙燕姿近距离接触的证据。。。 Proof that we really had close encounter with Stefanie Sun…



After sharing with you so much about us meeting with and talking to Stefanie Sun Yan Zi, etc… someone asked : where are the photos…?
Hmm… I was thinking whether this question was out of curiosity or suspicion… haha…
But I can’t blame them too for if it was me, I would be suspicious too, after all meeting a superstar and to be able to have tea and chat with them is really not an everyday occurence (unless when The Remnant have become very famous)…

Yet that day Stefanie requested for us not to take any picture of hers as she said she did not put on make-up, we lost our chance to have any proof of the meeting!
Just as well we found one proof later, and that is…

Her shoes … on the shelf outside the studio, the shoes on the left on the floor are mine…

What? Still not convincing enough?… Ok, let me think some more, you will be fully convinced in my next post! Haha…