我吉他彈得不好 I do not play the guitar well


我吉他弹得不好 - 这句话其实是多余的!因为凡是会弹吉他,听过我弹吉他的人,不用说他们也知道我吉他弹得不好;但是这句话还是要说出来,因为很多不会弹吉他又不太会音乐的人,被我的外表和装出来的样式骗了,看以上的照片就知道我讲什么了,哈哈哈!


I do not play the guitar well – this sentence is actually quite redundant! Because whoever knows how to play the guitar and has heard me play would know without being told that I do not play well. However, I must still say this out for many who do not know how to play the guitar and do not know music well have been “deceived” by my appearance and “act”. You would know what I mean by looking at the above photo. Hahaha!

But honestly I do not intend to “deceive” anyone! It is just that I look very focussed and serious when I play (scared of making mistakes), that is why I look as though I can play well…
See the photo below, do I not look very serious?


怎么说吉他弹得不好呢?原因是手指按得不够力,所以出来的声音不够清脆好听;有一些和弦是需要一根手指按住六条线的,手指不够力就要借助 capo (音像福建话“鸡婆”),就是上图靠近我左手的小道具。如果没有 capo,有些歌我就会没办法弹或会弹得很难听了!

But why do I say I do not play the guitar well? Reason being my fingers do not press hard enough, so the sound that comes out does not sound that clear and nice. Some chords need you to press all six strings with one finger, and if your finger is not strong enough, you would need the help of the capo (sounds like the Hokkien word for busybodies – “kepo”). It is that little instrument near my left hand in the above photo. Without the capo, I will not be able to play some songs, or it will not sound nice when I play!



When I first started going out to sing or serve in songs, I very often played the guitar myself because if I felt tired, I could shorten the song and stop faster, or when the song was too high, I could lower the key etc…. but towards the end, there were more and more songs to memorize, the chords were getting more and more complicated, my skill was limited, coupled with the inconvenience to bring a guitar while travelling, I began to use the minus-ones or soundtracks more.



You may say, why do I not work hard to practise my skill well then?
You think I do not wish too? Some people just do not have the talent, ok? I have played the guitar for thirty years and still stuck at this level, what more do you require of me?
Plus right now I am really super busy, so do have mercy on me…



Then you may want to ask another question:
Since I do not play the guitar well, how then do I write songs?
Ah ha! This is the amazing part!
Yes, obviously my skill is not good, and yes, obviously I only know the basic chords, and yet I could write hundreds of songs! If this is not God’s grace, tell me what is it? If this is not a miracle, tell me what is it?

So I say, in our lives, the deciding factor of our success does not lie with our background or how much we have, it depends on how much we trust and rely on the Almighty God~
