明天投票啊!!推荐一些2009“新歌”。。。 Voting tomorrow!! Recommending some 2009 “new” songs…


Remember tomorrow ( Sunday Dec 27th ) is the day our whole church will vote for our Blessed Top 20, so write clearly your choices and bring your voting slip tomorrow!
For those who want to vote for some new songs but have forgotten what new songs we have this year that have never entered the chart, the following is some information for you…
But of course you don’t have to just vote for new songs, there are many touching old songs you can vote for again…

1) 崭新的你 (zhan xin de ni)

2) Dalam Yesus 在耶稣里得刚强 (zai ye su li de gang qiang)

3) 轻烟 (qing yan)

4) This is my desire 这是我的渴望 (zhe shi wo de ke wang)

5) Majesty 尊贵王 (zun gui wang)

6) 雀鸟 (que niao)

7) 水仙花的身影 (shui xian hua de shen ying)

8) 但愿有翅膀 (dan yuan you chi bang)

9) Tuhan Peduli 上帝在乎我 (shang di zai hu wo)

10) Blessed be Your name 称颂你圣名 (cheng song ni sheng ming)

11) My heart will trust 我心要依靠你 (wo xin yao yi kao ni)

12) 快乐 (kuai le)

13) 蒙福异象 (meng fu yi xiang)

14) 不见一人,只见耶稣 (bu jian yi ren, zhi jian ye su)

15) How great is our God 我神真伟大 (wo shen zhen wei da)

16) 敬拜的心 (jing bai de xin)

17) My Redeemer lives 我救主活着 (wo jiu zhu huo zhe)

18) 沙漠中的骆驼 (sha mo zhong de luo tuo)

19) 剔透我心 (ti tou wo xin)

20) 啊哟哟 (a yo yo)

21) 不是梦 (bu shi meng)

22) 回到伊甸园 (hui dao yi dian yuan)

23) Come and Guide me 来指引我 (lai zhi yin wo)