猜中主题有奖!! Win a prize for guessing the title right!!





Actually I have decided the title of my latest album, so I’m giving you the opportunity to guess here and see whether you get to win a prize (my new album )…

My previous article is a “re-post” of my article requesting you to help me choose a title, this is to help you recall what the choices were before…
And from your votes it seems the most popular title is “Never Forgotten”, but ultimately is this really going to be the one I use? Or am I not choosing according to the votes? Or perhaps I am not even using one of these four titles?

I have added a few more for you to consider as these I find rather special or unique too after either listening to the arrangement or recorded singing…
So I’ll let you choose and guess from the original four and these few added ones to see ultimately which is my chosen title…
Or you may also guess all these are not chosen or I am not using a song title this time etc…

**For those who are not familiar with the contents of these songs, please refer to what I have re-posted regarding these four songs :
1) Never Forgotten, 2) Not A Dream, 3) A Mist, 4) Who is this really

And the additional ones are the following three, so altogether seven for you to choose from:

5)谁说我不敢跳 :这首编曲轻松新鲜,旋律朗朗上口,唱腔独特;歌词关乎信了主的逍遥无牵挂,激励人要释放的赞美主。。。因录了过后感觉很好,所以也被列入考量之中。。。
5) Dare me to jump : The arrangement of this song is lively and refreshing, melody very catchy, singing unique; the lyrics tell about the freedom and being carefree after believing in the Lord, and encourage you to be free to praise the Lord… because of the nice feel after recording, it is taken into consideration too…

6)一起飞翔 :为好朋友的婚礼所写的一首简单浪漫情歌,让人听了感觉很舒服,没压力,没烦恼。。。
6) Soar with me : a very simple and romantic love song written for my good friend’s wedding… makes you feel relaxed, no pressure and worry-free while listening…

7)愚昧人 :第一次尝试饶舌,也用不同声色诠释整首歌,对我来说是一个大突破,也很独特。。。
7) Fool : My first attempt at doing some rap, and sang with many different styles in the entire song, a real breakthrough for me and very unique too…

Alright, the following are the rules for participating in this “Guess the title and win a prize” game:

1) 每个人只可猜一次,也只可选一个主题,可从以下所建议的七首中选出一首作为主题。
Everyone can only choose once and only choose ONE. You may choose one title from the seven suggested below.
( 1)未曾忘记 Never Forgotten,2)不是梦 Not A Dream,3)轻烟 A Mist,4)这到底是谁 Who is this really, 5)
谁说我不敢跳 Dare me to jump, 6)一起飞翔 Soar with me, 7)愚昧人 Fool )

2) 或你也可以猜测说,你觉得我没有用以上任何一首但我自创一个非歌名的主题,当然你不需要猜测那主题的文字是什么,因那是不可能的,只说没用这七首任何一首就可以了。
Or you may guess I am not using any of the seven above but some words I created that are not the title of a song. If so, you can just say so but no need to say what those words are of course as that is not possible, just say I am not using one of the seven.

3) 最好你的猜测有附加一些留言,因为尽管你猜错,但留言若写的好的话,我可能有感动也送你一卷新专辑哦。。。
Best if you could add some comment to your guess, because even if you guess wrong but if your comment is good, I might consider giving you a copy of my new album too…

4) 所以赶快留言猜测哦。。。奖品只限前三位猜对的哦。。。
So quickly leave a comment to guess, the prize is only for the first three who guess right…