糟了!快被我吃光了! Oh dear! Just about eaten up by me!







(*** Let me stress first, what you read below is mainly for humour and fun, don’t be too serious… this world is already very heavy, relax a bit! Hahaha!!)

Actually when people give me food gifts, I would not be particularly excited, unless they happen to be something I really love to eat, but the chances of that are very slim…
Well, it is not because I am very fussy, but…

Normally I cannot eat it straight away or immediately finish eating it, therefore I need to keep it and my keeping space is very limited…
Then after keeping, I would forget to eat it…
After forgetting to eat, it will expire and I would feel very guilty to throw it away…





Not particularly excited because many times I would receive things I do not really love to eat, or rather there are very few things that I love to eat, or rather I just do not love to eat things, hahaha! So troublesome!!




Sometimes concerned too that I might receive things I really love to eat, because at our age, we can put on weight easily just eating a little, and I may not have the discipline to stop eating when it is something I love…




That day when we came back from our mission trip to West Malaysia, someone gave me some cookies bought in Teluk Intan. As soon as I saw them,  I was totally not interested and even said very unappreciatively “Why give me something like that?”…
But then I thought, the elderly like this kind of things, so I could give them to mother instead, so I decided to receive the gift…




But I have to be careful in giving mother something to eat because she has high taste, it is not easy to satisfy her taste buds!
So I myself must first try it before I could give it to Her Highness.




But because I was too busy, I kept delaying, and also because I was unwilling to eat the cookies, as a result I still had not given them to mother…
Until one day I was feeling very hungry and looking for something to eat, I saw these cookies and just simply took one to eat…
Oh dear, once I started eating, there was no return! One piece after another piece, I did not stop eating, they were too nice!
If I did not force myself to stop, mother would not have a chance to eat them! So I quickly brought them to mother today…




Haha, normally I do not like to eat such things, but this time I was really pleasantly surprised but what a shame only a packet, but just as well, otherwise there would be disastrous consequences… haha!
It is these cookies! Err… is there anyone from Teluk Intan here? Hahaha!!