美丽脸孔让你忘记疲惫。。。 Lovely faces that drive your weariness away…


I rushed back on the evening of Nov 27th from West Malaysia, slept for barely four hours that night, and had to rush to the sports ground at 6:30am to take charge of our Blessed Family Fun day…
Dragging my weary body and half asleep mind, it was no easy feat, I prayed to God for strength that I could be full of life and excitement to lead everyone to rejoice together!


Honestly, to force yourself to get up was not an easy thing; and to try to get excited when your body and mind were both exhausted was not a simple thing too…
But when you arrived there and saw these beautiful faces, all your weariness would vanish into thin air straight away!


Our church can be considered as one that is “very busy” with many programmes and activities… whether for the elderly, adults, youths and young people, children, we do try our best to organize some activities to make everyone feel belonged, to have an opportunity to know each other, and to joyfully become one family…
See everyone, at the break of dawn, gathering and waiting together excitedly…


With a church like this, can you not be touched and working hard for them?