耶和华的恩年-陈仲辉牧师/林义忠 The year of the Lord’s favour - Rev Ernest Chen Zhong Hui/GT Lim

此视讯分为三个阶段/ There are 3 parts to this video:

  1. 星期六祷告会/Sat prayer mtg,讲员/Speaker:陈仲辉牧师 (Rev Ernest Chen Zhong Hui)
  2. 主日第一堂/Sun 1st service,讲员/Speaker:陈仲辉牧师 (Rev Ernest Chen Zhong Hui)
  3. 主日第二堂/Sun 2nd service,讲员/Speaker:林义忠牧师 (Ps. Lim G T)

第二堂主日信息要点/ Main points for 2nd service message:

  1. 恩膏的重要性
    Importance of anointing: 路Lk. 4:14-22

    • 连耶稣都强调
      Even Jesus emphasised: v18
    • 得能力传福音
      Power to preach the Gospel
    • 神迹奇事跟随
      Signs and wonders will follow
  2. 神恩年的祝福
    Blessings of the year of the Lord’s favour: v19; 赛Isa. 61

    • 充满各样福份
      Full of all kinds of blessings
    • 必得加倍好处
      Will receive a double portion: v7
    • 多种多收秘诀
      Principle of sow more and reap more: 林后 2 Cor. 9:6

“A moment of God’s favour is far better than a lifetime of labour”

“Don’t just work for a living, but work for a giving!”