超配合的妈妈。。。 A very sporting mother…


Though mum came from a tough and poor background, not educated, she has a fighter character and does not give up easily…
Really thank God, she has a sense of humour too, normally whatever I ask her to do, she will be very sporting to cooperate…

Such a shame that few months back, she suffered a fall and broke her bone that hinders her mobility…


Though due to some unavoidable circumstances, she has to temporarily stay at a nursing home for these few weeks, she does not mind at all…
Because there are many old folks to talk to over there, to play games and exercise together etc, and she also constantly shares the Gospel with them, I discover her countenance and mood have greatly improved…

每次去看她一定会跟我讲很多其他老人家的故事,和一些在那边发生有趣的事情, 跟闷在家而抱怨的妈妈截然不同。。。
Each time I go and visit her, she will tell me many stories about the other old folks and some funny incidents that happened there, so different from the bored and complaining mother at home….


And she is full of zeal for our church programmes too. She will take the upcoming Bible test and is very serious about studying for it. Though she knows the special test paper for the elderly are super simple and easy, she said her group leader Ah Bong said it is better to sit for the harder ordinary paper, so she told me she wants to sit for the harder test as well, for the simple reason that she wants to learn to know and write more words! i have to salute her for that! Guess we really have her genes, haha!


Before she entered the nursing home, while at home, sometimes I would wonder why her memory was not that good and she did not seem alert. Now, compare with the other old folks, I realize she is actually very awake, alert and active! Really shows the difference of an old person who believes in Jesus, even the other children who come to visit their parents praise my mum for being very alert and great! Truly thank God for letting me see my mum’s good testimony!

In a few more days, mum will be coming home. May God grant her speedy recovery that she can move around as she wishes again, Amen!