这女生终于让我抱她了! Finally this girl allowed me to hug her!

I’ve always thought she is very pretty, so many people adore her, including me…

Everytime in church I see a crowd surrounding her, but due to my unique position, many times I could only gaze at her from the pulpit, unable to get close…

Occasionally I have a chance to come close to her but she would always turn her head away and not even look at me, or she would try to avoid my gaze…

I’m out of wit with her, I can only admit defeat; so many people adore me, but why is it that this girl whom I’m so attracted to is so one of a kind…

I said she is proud, cold and unfriendly and she couldn’t be bothered…

Sometimes I see her responding to others, very interactive and I can feel jealous…

But everything changed last night…

She came to my house for dinner, as usual I only gazed at her from “afar” as I thought she would never allow me to come close…

But to my big surprise, she slowly walked towards me with a beautiful smile, and stretched out her hands indicating she wanted me to hug or carry her in my arms!

I was overjoyed! Even her parents were shocked, because normally when her dad is around, she would only want her dad and would never allow anyone else to touch her!

So, everything became different from last night, not only did she not mind her dad not carrying her, she even happily allowed her dad to capture that historic photo!

I believe from now on she will let me carry her frequently…

她就是Ah Hen的心肝宝贝,Ricca。。。刚才你们还以为我在讲谁啊???
She is Ah Hen’s precious baby, Ricca… who did you think I was talking about just now???

photo 2

历史性的一张照片    Historic picture

photo 3

好像有点后悔,挣扎着要离开了。。。    Looks like she regretted and was struggling to get off…