这问题要怎么答? How do you answer this question?



有些人做了一辈子的好人,可是他(她)就是不相信有上帝,这样的人死后,他们的灵魂会去哪里呢? 难道会去地狱吗?

那这样的话, 会不会不太公平呢? 难道一定要信上帝的人才能上天堂吗?


A reader asked:

Some people live life as a good person, but they just do not believe in God, for such, where will they go when they die? Do they go to hell?

If so, isn’t that very unfair? Must you believe in God in order to go to heaven?

*** Can you help me answer this question first?

(But please NOTE!!!! Please answer here at this website, and not in my Facebook… You can write clearer and longer here, it is not so suitable in my FB. And please be patient to wait too because for comments left here, I need to sieve through before publishing, thanks!!)