随着岁月成长。。。蜕变。。。 Growing through the years… transformation…




Some say if you were good looking when small, then you will not be good looking when grown; and if you were not good looking when small, you will grow up to be good looking…
Do you agree? What kind of logic is that?
But honestly, this kind of statement is just to listen for fun, there is no need to be too serious about it, less so to argue over it…

All I know is puppies are very cute but some grow up to be real ugly; and nestlings start off very ugly but become more and more beautiful as they grow…
Then what about me…? Haha!

I often felt inferior about my look when young, but as I grow “older” my confidence increases too. That does not mean I think I have become better looking but rather after encountering and knowing God, your inner self and value system etc will start to change…
But I believe too a confident person is somewhat more attractive too, as long as it is not too much and perceived to be arrogant or proud…

Look at my growing up photos, which is my most “beautiful” moment? Haha…
I will post an article on this topic…

婴孩。。。  baby…

两、三岁时吧。。。  Round about 2 or 3 years old…

四、五岁?  4 or 5?

七、八岁?  7 or 8?

十一、十二。。。  11 or 12…

十五岁。。。 15 years old…

十九岁。。。19 years old…

今天,几岁。。。?  Today, how old…?