鬼的謊言。。。 The devil’s lies…


(1) 牠會說若牠離開這人的身體,牠也會把他的靈魂帶走,即:鬼出去,這人也會死!牠會大聲說出來給你聽,或者默默在這人身體裡面對他說,以致於這人害怕而不敢讓魔鬼離開他身體。

(2) 牠會說你很髒,你是罪人,沒能力、沒本事把牠趕出去,牠要使你信心動搖而放棄。

(3) 牠會給你指示或跟你說廢話轉移你的視線,不要上牠的當,不要跟牠交談。

(4) 牠也會假裝牠已經走了,假裝冷靜下來或扮那個人好好跟你講話。眼睛是關鍵,你要注視這那人的眼睛,繼續禱告和察驗,很多時候牠會閉眼或閃開。


Sharing simply with you from my personal experience, some lies the devil likes to use when we are casting it out…

(1) It will tell you if it leaves the person’s body, it will take away the person’s spirit as well, meaning if it leaves, the person will die too! It will either say this out for you to hear or speak in silence in the person’s body to frighten this person and thus this person does not dare to let it leave the body.
Do not believe in its lie. Life is in God’s hand, the devil has no authority to take a person’s life. Many times the demon said this to us too, but we still went on to cast it out. As a result, the person did not die and now lives a much better life!
(The only method the devil can take away a person’s life is to cause people to live a horrible lifestyle to hurt your mind and body till your health is affected and death follows. Otherwise it will prompt people to commit suicide, many suicide victims had hallucinations or heard voices telling them to kill themselves. That is why casting out demons is very important, churches must do that!)

(2) It will tell you, you are very dirty and sinful, so you do not have the power and ability to cast it out, thus shaking your faith to make you give up.
At this, start declaring the power of the blood of Jesus for redeeming, saving and cleansing you, and proclaim we cast demons out by the power of Jesus’ name, not ourselves. You can also sing songs of the blood and salvation, it cannot stand that.

(3) It will give you instructions or talk nonsense with you to distract you. Do not fall into its trap, do not talk to it.

(4) It will pretend it has already left by acting calm and quiet or pretending to be that person to speak nicely to you. The key is the eyes, look straight into the person’s eyes and continue praying strongly and testing it, normally it will shut the eyes or avoid having eye contact with you.