2010第一个主日:一个浪子的见证。。。1st Sunday service for 2010: Testimony of a prodigal son…

例外人第二支MV “太迟了”男女主角感人见证。。。
The Remnant’s 2nd MV “Too Late”‘s male and female leads’ touching testimony…

David  和 Grace 的故事。。。
The story of David and Grace…


这是 David…  听听他的见证吧。。。
This is David…
hear his testimony…


David 也是我的外甥。。。
David is also my nephew…


Very glad he could participate in this MV to serve God together…


这是 Grace…
This is Grace…


她也是 David 现实生活中的妻子。。。
She is also David’s real-life wife…


从未想过与丈夫分开了四年后还会复合,更没想过会和丈夫一起拍 MV 服事主。。。
Never thougt she would reconcile with her husband after being separated for four years, and even less so would she act in and serve God together with her husband in an MV…
