2012 禁食日记 – 第30天: “羡慕” 2012 Fasting Diary – Day 30: “Envious”




如此的生命 - 常有神的同在与恩宠,是多少人的羡慕和渴望。。。那是因为我们只看到他的地位,祝福和成功等等,但有多少人会羡慕那弃绝、伤害、为奴生活、诬告、坐牢等等。。。?



Day 30 (05/09/12)

“The Lord was with Joseph…” (Gen 39:2,21)
This can almost be called Joseph’s life motto, indeed “The Lord was with Joseph” wherever Joseph went or was or whatever he did. The Lord just helped him and blessed him and he would find favour with all the right people, despite being an “enemy” and under the attack of of those who were jealous of him.

Such a life – to have the presence of the Lord and His favour, would be the envy and desire of all… that is because we only see the status, blessings and successes etc, but how many would be envious of the rejection and hurts and slavery and wrongful accusation and imprisonment etc…?

It is obvious the Lord was always with Joseph because of his good attitude, spirit, and correct reactions; also his constant trust and fixing his eyes on the Lord despite all adverse situations. So before we feel envious and start wishing the Lord would be with us always like the way He was with Joseph, let us first look at our own heart and attitude and examine how we react to our everyday situations and trials…