國外佈道會 Out reach

例外人和舞蹈员也随队。。。 The Remnant and the dancers are with me too…

This mission trip, The Remnant and Blessed dancers go with me too, do pray fervently for us…

正在吉隆坡国际机场等候转机。。。 In transit at KLIA…

Got up slightly after 3am, guess some people were not even in bed yet… we flew the 6am flight, really hate to rush for flight at this kind of hour, but since we travel in a group and to cut costs, this is the cheapest flight available, so self-torturing for this time…

The church been praying and fasting for the past three days for the nation, church and our mission… finally we can eat today, but it’s only McDonald’s! Sigh…

See my sleepy look, drink some coffee to keep myself awake… Next flight at 3:10pm!

This time The Remnant come along too… looks like there is a last minute’s change to two of the members, haha…

林义忠在雅加达。。。 GT Lim in Jakarta…

5/3 (五/Fri) 6:00pm : 诗歌布道会 (福建语)KKR Kesaksian Pujian
7/3 (日/Sun) 5:00pm : 生命泉教会 (华语) KKR Kesaksian Pujian
GBI Stream of Life ( Rev Akhun )
Jln Bandengan Selatan, 43 Komplek Puri Delta Mas.
Blok D-25, Jakarta Utara 14450.

Tel : 66602946, 70773886

6/3 (六/Sat) 6:00pm : 诗歌布道会 (华语)KKR Mandarin service Jembatan Tiga
Abba Love Ministries,
Jln Jembatan Tiga, No. 36 DU, Jakarta Utara.

Tel : 6692159 (Monica), 0817170677 (Ibu Suci)

7/3 (日/Sun) 10:00am : 灵粮堂  Jemaat Kartika
Jln Kartini 6, No. 2.