Day 18 : 禁食日记 / Fasting Diary













Day 18 : Oct 20th (Thur)

Today, God reminded me again what a “new thing” means:

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
~ Isaiah 43:19~

All these years, we often declared with much faith, in the prayer meetings or other meetings that God would bless us beyond what we asked for or imagined, then with highly charged emotion shouted “Amen!”, and went home with much gladness and satisfaction.
But then, day after day, year after year, everything remains the same…
As a result, many people keep their perplexity in their hearts, some continue to believe “innocently” or “blindly”, what is worse, some are stumbled and become weak in their faith and no longer believe…

But, each time when I felt led to lead people with such declaration and prayer, I was very certain it would happen, and knew that prompting was from God, I was not trying to stir up the atmosphere or people’s emotions! So, I was also very expectant to see those promises accomplished on everyone, especially those who desperately needed a breakthrough in their living or finances…

Sometimes I would ask God, what are the things that You referred to that are “beyond what we can asked for or imagined”? When will they arrive?

Therefore, today God reminded me on something I heard from a pastor a few years’ back, he said something that left a deep impression in my heart, I had shared this in church before as well, that is:
“It is insanity to keep repeating the same thing and expecting a different result!”

Many people expect a breakthrough in their finances but they are still doing exactly the same job, in the same position etc, then of course nothing will change!And that is also NOT a “new thing”!
But of course we cannot say everyone must therefore change to a new job or career, start a new business etc because only the minority are able to do that, and it is not entirely practical to do so too!
Then how?

This is God’s revelation:
I believe people with God-pleasing attitudes, when the time comes, either God will lead them into a new territory or opportunity, or they will remain at the same place and without affecting their responsibility and commitment to their job, extra blessings come to them from outside!
To use myself as an example, perhaps suddenly somewhere my albums are being noticed and begin to touch more lives, so publication increases; or our church receives donations and offerings suddenly from outside unexpected sources etc…

Therefore, we must be sensitive in our spirit to discern the coming of God’s opportunities…