Tag Archive - 回忆,父子情,父爱,歌唱比赛,memory

七年就这样如飞而去。。。 7 years fly by just like that…

Within seven years a person’s appearance, environment, heart condition etc can experience a lot of changes… what about me? And what about you?
Are you happier than before? Are you more satisfied than before?Ever considered that seriously…?

七年前在灯塔 / Seven years ago at Lighthouse – 2004


今年在灯塔 / At Lighthouse this year – 2011





Due to the impact and encouragement on myself after the visit to Lighthouse this time, I looked into my album again and found the pictures captured at Lighthouse in 2004… comparing them with those photos just taken during the recent visit to Lighthouse, the differences of seven years are definite, especially in terms of appearance, the footprints of years gone by etc…
Memories of seven years inevitably surfaced in my heart… all the days trodden, journey of the heart, remorse, comfort, bitter sweet memories etc…
Seven years, many pictures can come to mind… some of people long gone, things that cannot be undone, but most important of all, is our heart still as determined and pure towards God…?






In these seven years, I know I may not be after God’s own heart all the time, and may not be completely focused every moment… there were times I did not obey, and times I got distracted…
Too many times I have wondered why God would use a person like me…



I guess that is what we call the grace and mercy of God, to realize that He has never once forsaken me and His heart towards me is ever true…
It is because of this that I can carry on serving… not because I am worthy but grateful…


O Lord, please guard my heart to forever serve You alone, and to forever give all the glory to You… Amen!
















看到我,他惊慌失措! He panicked upon seeing me!




Ever had that feeling, sometimes when we see someone, we will start to panic and weird little actions from our body will betray our anxiety, then our IQ will suddenly drop and we become incoherent in our speech…?

Some people say I tend to cause people to become like that… No! Don’t misunderstand me! It is NOT because I am irresistibly charming or so stunningly good-looking to cause them to behave abnormally! You all would know that is definitely not the reason too! The true reason is, sigh! It is because of my “over-bearing fierceness”, and that gives them a kind of “respectful fear”…

Friends ask me to examine myself as to what the reason is… but most come into the conclusion that the culprit is my thick eye-brows and they suggest that I should shave off or at least trim my eye-brows! But I cannot do that because many times when I cannot use my mouth or hands, I need to use my eye-brows to instruct my staff and assistants what to do…




The story begins with the new dad asking me to help name his new born son. So I was very serious in thinking and praying for a name, and finally I came up with a name, but he rejected it! Reason being, he said it sounds like a Malay name… well, I can’t really blame him as it is a Hebrew name and honestly I am not very sure about the pronunciation too… Well, since he did not want and I was very busy too, so I asked him to think of another name himself…

You must know that all these were communicated through his leader, he did not talk to me personally… His leader kind of rebuked him saying: Our pastor is so busy and yet so kind to think of a name for your son and yet you rejected the name!
I think he felt quite bad about it too, but he still decided not to use the name…

然后他就说洋名叫 Zacchaeus (即圣经人物“撒该”的英文翻译。其实我也蛮喜欢这个名字)。。。然后,他就很认真的告诉我说 Zacchaeus 就是圣经里面那个爬上桑树要看耶稣的矮子。我感觉很有趣他需要告诉他的牧师撒该是谁,所以我就作弄他,向他鞠躬道谢说:谢谢你告诉我撒该是谁,谢谢!谢谢!


回到家,我从 Facebook 收到他寄过来的简讯,他说:

“嗨!牧师。。。我觉得很不好意思因为刚才在教会对你说的话好像是侮辱了你的智慧!像你这种美貌与智慧并重的人,哪里可能会不知道Zacchaeus这 个名,我还真是多此一举去解释,真下衰。。。虽然你心胸宽大,一定不会为这种芝麻绿豆小事放在心上,但还是要跟你说一声不好意思~谢啦~”


Sunday, after service, I bumped into him at the door! With pure concern I asked him, so have you decided on your son’s name?
He seemed very nervous, somewhat blushing and stammering, he said: yes, already, my mother named the baby…
He proceeded to tell me it’s Zacchaeus (actually I kind of like this name too)… then he went on to tell me rather seriously that Zacchaeus was the name of that short guy who climbed up the sycamore tree to see Jesus. I was kind of amused that he should tell his pastor who Zacchaeus was, so I teased him by bowing my head and said: Thank you, thank you! Thanks for telling me who Zacchaeus was…

Immediately he turned red and felt very embarrassed… and everybody laughed…

When I reached home, I saw a message he left in my Facebook that read:
“Hi, Pastor… I feel very embarrassed that I was like insulting your intelligence just now at church! For someone like you with a combination of beauty and wisdom, why would you not know who Zacchaeus was! I was really doing the unnecessary to explain, so “sia-soi” (embarrasssing)… Though I know you have a big heart and you wouldn’t hold this against me, I must still apologize to you~ thanks~ ”

I really laughed when I read that, so very cute, haha!


Welcome to the world, Zacchaeus, you have a very cute daddy!



爸爸大聲的呼喚。。。 Dad’s loud call…



I remember when I was small, I often, due to too much play, forgot the time to go home, and when night fell, I did not dare to walk home alone!
Reason being I had to walk past some forest on the way home and children tend to imagine monsters and ghosts and all sorts of things, so I would drag on at my cousin’s house not daring to go home…

Suddenly in the middle of the night, I would hear a loud call: “Gee Tiong!” just outside my cousin’s window…
Though loud, it warmed my heart as that was the voice I had been waiting for, I knew help had come!
I would quickly rush to the window and shouted downstairs: “Dad! Wait, I’m here!”… then I would be going home happily with my dad.

See my childhood home, the roof is hidden by the trees… that’s the university me in the photo…

This is the road home… notice my pants, tailor-made by my dad! Very popular then!






Actually it was my dad who discovered I was still not home when it was already late, worrying about my safety, he came to look for me. And normally he knew where he could find me too, when he found me, he did not scold me, he just allowed me to follow him home happily… He knew that I was glad he came. That must be a father’s love…

Is not God’s love the same towards us? And yet we so often misunderstand Him…
The verses I read from the Scripture during the prayer meeting that day rekindled this childhood memory of mine, and helped me understand the love of our father God more…

Psalm 139 verse 3 says:
You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways…
Verse 7:
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Where can I flee from Your presence?

Very often these verses cause some people to feel that God knows all our sins and wrongdoings, and there is nowhere we can hide from Him…
That is why these verses cause some people to feel under pressure and fearful, that is due to the lack of knowing our Father God truly.

Is it really God’s purpose to condemn and scold us when He finds us? I do not think so…
Just as in my childhood memory, I was the one who did wrong, I was playful and forgot to return home, but dad came looking for me to bring me home.
His loud call not only drove away my fear, it gave me a sense of security to know that I needed not to be afraid of the dark journey home anymore, as my dad had come to accompany me home safely…

Dad himself has also returned home safely to heaven now…