Tag Archive - the remnant

赶快投票支持!!! Please support and vote quickly!!!


If you have not voted in the websites of these radio stations to show your support for our “Li Wai Ren” ( The Remnant), please quickly enter and vote!!! Thanks for your support!!!

Go to : http://www.my.com.my/Program/NightShow/thanks.asp
( 进入了,找最右边的“音乐投等舱”,按了进去后再往下找 “太迟了” (例外人),然后按“太迟了”左边的“”钮就对了!
Once you have entered, look on the right for these words “音乐投等舱”,press that to enter and scroll down to look for “” (例外人),then press the “投票” button to the left of “太迟了” and you’ll be right!

Another station : http://aifm.dapat.com/
For this one, there are two places you nedd to enter : Look to the left for (1) 龙虎榜, enter and vote for “太迟了”; (2) 我们的排行榜, enter and vote for “姑娘,你很漂亮”.)

Li Wai Ren needs your support and encouragement, thanks!!

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Help! Help! Help!

Sorry, sorry, sorry, 这几天电脑网络出问题,无法上网,所以网站突然间“音讯全无”,什么活动都没有,要不然我基本上每天都会给你们一点小报告的。。。

Sorry, sorry, sorry, these few days I had problem with my computer, could not go online, that is why all of a sudden there is “no news” or activity here, otherwise I would normally give you a little report everyday…
This is the part on “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!”, what about “Help! Help! Help!”? That is about LiWaiRen or The Remnant’s MV needing your support and help urgently…

我的四位“徒弟”们即将发片打进流行歌主流市场,所以今天首播他们主打歌“太迟了”MV (词:林义忠;曲:Martin Tang),非常需要你们观赏、留言、及介绍给别人以增加点击率,博得媒体、大众等的注意。。。为了福音的缘故,就请大家多多帮忙与支持,马上点击及传扬开去。。。谢谢!谢谢!谢谢!

My four “disciples” are releasing their debut album into the main stream pop market very soon, so today we launch the MV of their title track “Too Late” ( Music by Martin Tang; Lyirics by GT Lim), and we really need your views, comments and recommendations to others to increase the hits, so the media and public etc would notice it… For the sake of the Gospel, do kindly help and support, quickly go and view and spread it now… Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vbiDSUJvAE

有关例外人/ About LiWaiRen (The Remnant):

著名资深音乐大师, 兼张惠妹钦点之演唱会音乐总监, 并数次最佳编曲奖得主,

MARTIN TANG   精心打造: “例外人”.

由MARTIN TANG发掘之四人实力创作乐团“例外人”近 期将发片及活跃于华语乐坛.

同名专辑“例外人”由MARTIN TANG一手精心泡制, 严谨筛选“例外人”本身之创作,

再加以认真及富创意的编曲, 集民族风味与流行元素于一身, 独具一格, 让人期待! ( 请拜访例外人网站:www.liwairenmusic.com )


例外人 - 不同造型,不同感觉。。。 The Remnant – Different styled images, different feelings…



Different styled images will really give different feelings, see below the various styled images of The Remnant, what do you think of each of their styled images? And which do you prefer…?

I have just been to the studio myself to take some “new” styled image photos for my upcoming album… are you interested to see? I have not seen them myself! Haha!

Do appreciate and comment on the following styled images of The Remnant…

(1) 很轻松式。。。  Very relaxed style…

(2) 旅游式。。。  Touring style…

(3)很文化式。。。  Very cultural style…

(4)白马式。。。  White horse style…

(5)艺术式。。。  Artistic style…

(6)成熟式。。。  Mature style…

(7)非常正式式。。。  Very formal style…

If you like or would like to know more about The Remnant, do visit their website:
