主日信息“你是哪一类型”大纲 Summary of main points for “Which type are you?”

应要求,我把这篇信息的大纲写在这里。。。Because of request, I’m writing the summary of this sermon here…)

主题: 你是哪一类型  Which type are you?
( 经文/ Scripture: 罗Rom. 12:1-8 )

(一) 两大基本类型  Two basic types

(i) 以事为本类型  Task-oriented type

* 特征 Distinctive features:
(a) 强调表现、注重成绩 Emphasize on performance and results
(b) 严格苛刻、偏向律法 Strict and inflexible, inclined towards being legalistic
(c) 要求完美、常得罪人 Perfectionist and often offend people
(d) 达到目标、难得人心 Can achieve target but fail to win hearts

(ii) 以人为本类型  People-oriented type

* 特征 Distinctive features:
(a) 强调感受、注重感情 Emphasize on feelings and relationship
(b) 轻松随便、错译恩典 Relaxed and easy-going, inclined to mis-interpret grace
(c) 得过且过、怕得罪人 Shut an eye on things, cautions about offending people
(d) 难达目标、受人欢迎 Hard to achieve goals but popular with people

(iii) 两者神都要用  God wants to use both types
* 罗Rom. 12:1-8

(二) 神要两者合一  God wants both to unite

(i) 应当彼此配搭 Should compliment each other:
* 罗Rom 12:16
* 保罗和巴拿巴 Paul and Barnabas: 徒Acts. 15:35-41

(ii)谦卑彼此学习 Humbly learn from each other: 彼前1 Pet. 4:8-11

(iii)集两型于一身 To combine the two into one body:
* 摩西 Moses: 出Ex. 32:19-20, 27-28, 30-32