你认为牧师会有什么反应? What do you think Pastor’s reaction will be?

The following is a comment left in my website by someone and she really wants to know what my reaction is after reading her friend’s comment:

‘Pastor Lim looks more & more handsome and younger now. Praise the Lord!’ …said Daniel Yong after viewing the recorded broadcast of Pastor Lim’s preaching….

This Daniel Yong (Doha Fellowship) knew pastor from more than 10 years ago.

What do you think pastor’s reaction will be to the above comment? Plz vote.. Hahaha!


“林牧师看起来越来越英俊和年轻了,赞美主!”。。。Daniel Yong 看了教会播的牧师现场讲道实录后说。。。

这Daniel (身在外国团契) 是10年前认识牧师的。

你们觉得牧师读了这评语会有什么反应? 请投票。。。哈哈哈!


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