好吧,告诉你们阿文最擅长的是。。。 Alright, I’ll tell you now, Ah Boon is best at…


2)留言回应次数最高!我所有文章的留言回应排名:第一:“想知道阿文最擅长什么了吗?”(62回应);第二:“阿文最擅长什么” (49回应);排第三的“你们三个马上给我减肥”也只不过是32回    应。。。所以你说阿文人气高不高?不知毅伟能打倒他吗?或是你们建议我写关于谁。。。?





Firstly, I would like to say thank you to Ah Boon for setting two new records for my website:
1) From the moment my website was being “revived” this time till now, the number of daily views seemed not being able to break the Sept 30th record of 1163, for the next whole week the record was not broken until my writing on Ah Boon was published on Oct 7th, a new record of 1195 was set!
2) The highest responses/comments to any of my postings! The ranking of my various writings based on number of responses/comments: 1st: “Are you ready to know what Ah Boon is best at?” (62 responses); 2nd: ” What is Ah Boon best at? ” (49 responses); and 3rd place ” I want you three to lose weight immediately ” only 32 responses… So how can you say Ah Boon isn’t popular? I wonder whether Yi Wei can beat him? Or who do you guys suggest that I should write about next…?

When I opened it up to all of you to write in and offer opinions and information on what Ah Boon is best at, all of you were really willing and very unselfish in sharing… But from all your comments, those things are basically rather common things most people are capable of, not much to teach others; or even if taught, they wouldn’t bring much benefit to people… For eg. taking a free ride, calculative, dancing, and of course the most votes of all – very “luo-suo” ( naggy )…

When I said Ah Boon’s best ability, in order for it to deserve the privilege to be posted here, it must bring benefit to mankind or be helpful to all, don’t you think?… And of course it has to be rather unique, and something that most of us are not capable of… This then can be considered a special skill…

Alright! From my own observation, I feel that Ah Boon is best at maximizing a very limited space to create a most relaxing position… This sounds rather abstract, you will understand better with my picture illustrations! And I’m sure you will be convinced too!

When you are very tired, no bed to sleep in, and all you have is a tiny sofa to sit in, how are you going to achieve the highest level of rest? Look at the following pictures and let Ah Boon teach you what he is best at…

P9010960看!只有一张小沙发,我却能够这么安详和舒服的躺卧,请看下去,我有几个姿势免费传授给你们。。。    Look! With just only one tiny sofa, I can still lie down so peacefully and comfortably. Please continue to scroll down, I have a few picture illustrations of various positions to impart to you free of charge…

P9010974这一招我叫“睡美人”:左手当枕头,右手插入口袋就不会掉下来,伸展脚毛繁密修长的脚。。。    This position is called “Sleeping Beauty”:  Left hand be the pillow, right hand in the pocket to avoid slipping down, stretch out your hairy long legs…

P9010979我也有讲话累了,闭嘴不讲话的时候。。。    I do have moment when I grow weary from talking and shut my mouth…

P9010969这招叫“可爱企鹅”: 如果刚才的姿势不适合你,你也可选择双手伸展如企鹅一样、把脚毛繁密的修长双脚缩起。。。    This position is called “Cute Penguin”: If the previous position does not suit you, then you can extend your hands like a penguin, then withdraw your hairy long legs…

P9010952如果有一点热,可以把衣服稍微拉上一点,让风吹进来;舌头吐出来,让热气出来。。。    If it is a bit warm, then pull up your shirt a little to allow the wind to blow in and stick out your tongue to release hot breath…

P9010955有些姿势难免不太雅观,但我们的重点是自己舒服就好,不要太在乎别人的眼光和评语!    Certain position no doubt can be a little unsightly, but our main point is self-comfort, so don’t be bothered with others’ perception and criticism!

P9010949颠倒躺也可以。    You can also lie upside down.

P9010937如果各姿势还是无法入睡,记得用中指轻按左额。    If you still can’t sleep after trying various positions, remember to gently press your left forehead with your middle finger.

P9010965喂!我罗哩罗唆了那么多,你们到底有没有在听啊?有没有学到东西??    Hey, I have been babbling on for so long, are you listening at all? Are you learning anything??

P9010980告诉你,我这个课程是很吃香哦! 你看,三个 suku-kiah(傻仔)很认真的在跟我学习。。。    I tell you, my lessons are highly popular! Look, 3 silly boys are learning so seriuosly from me…