这到底是谁。。。 Who Is This Really…


这首歌,很喜欢这句:“这到底是谁? 屡次被我忽略,我始终却是他的优先。。。”

This is a rather long worship song, we sing it during Sunday services and prayer meetings, especially during prayer meetings many people are encouraged knowing that indeed God loves us so much, that people are more confident that God will certainly listen to their prayers…

For this song, I like this phrase very much : “Who is this really? So often neglected by me and yet I am always His priority…”

这到底是谁? Who is this really?

(词曲: 林义忠)

这到底是谁 Who is this really

我多少次拒绝    So many times rejected by me

对我的爱依然不变    Yet His love for me remains

这到底是谁    Who is this really

只因我的罪孽    Just because of my sins

竟然牺牲为我流血    He sacrificed and shed His blood for me

这到底是谁    Who is this really

知道我的缺点    Knowing all my weaknesses

却依然留在我身边    Yet continues to stay right by my side

这到底是谁    Who is this really

屡次被我忽略    So often neglected by me

我始终却是他的优先    And yet I am always His priority

蹉跎了多少岁月   How many years have been wasted

失去了多少时间   How much time have I lost

我才真正发现祢是谁   Only then I discovered who You are

流乾了多少眼泪   How many tears have I cried

失眠了多少黑夜   How many sleepless nights have I spent

我才后知后觉祢是谁   Only then I realised who You actually are

祢是全能上帝   You are the Almighty God

阿爸天父宝贝的独生子    Precious Only Son of the Heavenly Father

却舍弃所有荣华富贵   But You gave up all the glory

来这世界为我受苦   To come to this earth to suffer for me

祢是阿拉法、俄梅戛   You are Alpha and Omega

昔在今在永在的主   The Lord of yesterday, today and forever

却降卑自己成为奴仆   But You humbled Yourself to become a servant

甘心为罪人而死   To willingly die for sinners like me

开启我眼 让我能看见   Open my eyes that I may see

照亮我心 让我能发现   Shine Your light in me that I may discover

祢的善 Your goodness

祢的美 Your beauty

祢是谁    And who You really are