I’m still around…!!!

Guess many must be wondering what has happened to me… sudden disappearance from my blog for such a long time! Well, just a few sentences to say I’m still alive and kicking, hahahaha!!! Just that I am really really busy, SUPER busy in fact these days…. First and foremost, with our church-building project, meetings, decisions, many things to think about and plan etc etc….

Then, I’m planning to start a 3rd service for Sunday in November as more are coming to the Lord, praise God! And that needs planning and a lot of adjusting too, and we have to slightly renovate our current premises too while awaiting the new building….

I have finished recording my new album few months back, but ‘cos of my busy-ness, release date has to be delayed cos I haven’t got time to plan and write stuff for the cover etc… But hopefully the album will be released in November…. if no changes then the album will be called ” So clear” ( in Chinese ” hen qing chu” ). It’s a Mandarin album with ONE new Hokkien song… and I REALLY like this new album ( of course, if I don’t like, who would? haha… ) So please grab a copy when it is released, you will like it too, haha!!

I haven’t been travelling much this year, mostly grounded cos lots of things to do at home… will be flying to Canada and USA though in October….

Well, that’s it for now…. I’m not sure when I’ll “re-appear” here again….. Hope for the best….