Tag Archive - 爱的教会,圣经考试,同心,感动,蒙福教会,林义忠,church of love

你们的票不算!!哈哈!! Your votes are not counted!! Haha!!





You all have failed the trial!

You are really too much, visited my website only for the sake of postponing the test! Then hastily left a comment and left without looking at anything else!! No!! That won’t do!!

You must also read my story on “Car broke down on the way to airport” and leave a comment there, otherwise your vote will not be counted!! I don’t care!


圣经考试应该延期吗。。。? Should the Bible Test date be postponed…?


Sitting in my office preparing to set the test questions, I suddenly took up my calendar to have a look and realized we already had a test in February this year…
And I thought, these few weeks everyone has been so busy, will they have time or can they concentrate on their revision?

So I’m thinking now whether I should postpone it till say January 14th next year? What say you?

要留言在这网站哦,Facebook 不算!

Alright, I’ll hand over the decision into your hand. Since we often have at least 1500 people sitting for the test, so if I receive 10% of the number i.e. 150 people leaving comments saying “Postpone!” before 12 midnight tonight (Dec 21st), then I will postpone… So it depends on you now! But of course if you don’t want it to be postponed, you can also leave a comment saying “Don’t postpone!”, haha!!
Must comment here in this website, Facebook not counted!

神要给我们新家。。。 God wants to give us a new home…

This is the new home God wants to give us…

But would have to wait till at least 2012 to complete building…

This great project has been conceived for many years…

Of course much prayer with one heart is still needed that God will always safe-guard our hearts… and also to provide etc…

May we be light in the darkness…

Wanting to build such a big building is not because of dreaming to be a “mega church” pastor, but because we want to continue saving souls and therefore need a bigger place to house all these souls that will continue to be saved, as simple and basic as that….

Are you moved to donate and be of one heart with us to save souls? Then please wait for more information on this…

May we glorify the Lord forever!