今年,很特别的复活节。。。 This year, a very special Easter…








For the past year or so, I’ve always felt that the church is kind of stagnant… whenever this kind of feeling arises, as pastors or leaders, we tend to find excuses for ourselves…

The truth is we should humble ourselves before God and repent, and pray for God to instruct and teach us…

Since last year I have had the feeling that this Easter we must have some special programme, I actually had arranged for Taiwanese artistes Fan Wei Qi and the boy friend to come to our church for an evangelistic concert, but the programme was later changed… now I know it is because God wanted us to fast and pray to seek Him instead, that the church would be revived again…

So we fasted from March 30th (Tue) to April 1st (Thur), then from Thur evening we had a series of teachings and after the teachings, we cried out and prayed to God. The Holy Spirit really moved powerfully, we had not had this experience for quite a while…

Seeing brothers and sisters praying seriously and fervently, repenting, crying out to God and the excitement and fired-up hearts after… Easter this year is really so different, it feels that the church has come back to life! Praise the Lord!

May God preserve this rekindled fire of ours that it will not go out but to burn ever brighter, Amen and Amen!

( I really feel that the meetings and teachings those few days were really under God’s guidance and anointing, we will upload the recordings later. For those who did not have a chance to come, I encourage to watch the videos and be blessed by God!)