应该哪一个造型呢。。。? Which image shall I have…?


不知拍出来的效果会如何?( 有人说不要太担心因为这年头什么都可“photoshop”电脑加工,哈哈。。。 )



Going to have my image photo-shoot again this afternoon for my new album… I get “headache” and feel lazy to go when I think of it as it takes a lot of time to do, and it is very taxing on your brains to think about image and style…

Wonder what the results of the photos would be? ( Someone said not to worry too much as everything can be “photoshop” or altered by the computer nowadays, haha…)

Have a look at some of my previous images I randomly took out… do you have any suggestion?

Feel free to give your opinions though I may not listen at all, haha…

专辑“会笑的嘴”的造型。。。Image for the album “A Smiling Face”…

专辑“认识我”。。。  Album “Knowing Me”…

“上帝的孩子”。。。  “Child of God”…

“灿烂新年”。。。  “New Year Wish”…

“憩”。。。  “Rest”…

Still have a lot but no time to search for you to see… as for my look “today”… haha!