嗯。。。这算是骗话吗? Err… is this considered a lie?






The story begins with two little brother and sister, their parents never allowed them to keep pets for fear that they did not know how to take care and the pets would die.
But then one day, from somewhere the brother (who is older) brought back a little hamster, and since it was already brought home, the parents could not do anything…
The little sister was super excited as the hamster was really cute and she took it out to play everyday.

One day, the big brother was still at school, the little sister as usual played with the little hamster. Then she had this sudden idea to bathe the little hamster and she did… After the bath, the little hamster shuddered a little and gave a few tiny sneezes and the little sister found that very cute indeed. Then she put the hamster back into the cage to rest and returned to check on it after a while and found that the little hamster was obediently and quietly sleeping… After some time she came back again and noticed that the little hamster was still sleeping…

Hang on! Something isn’t right! Looks like the hamster was not breathing!

She quickly opened the cage and carried the hamster in her hand…
Oh no! The little hamster is dead! Oh no, I’m in big trouble! The little sister thought her big brother would certainly beat her up for killing his precious hamster!







In an urgent life and death situation like this, who would you think of? Who would you turn to for help?
Sigh~ the pastor of course!
So the little girl with her crying face came to plead for my help and asked me what to do… I was kind of irritated too by her story but I also knew that the brother was kind of hot-tempered, so I knew big trouble was lying ahead for this little girl!
She continued crying (that is what she is best at even till this day), so I was moved with great compassion to think of a solution for in a little while the brother would be home…

Finally I said: Alright, alright, stop crying! When your brother comes home, don’t say anything, just tell him Pastor has given his hamster together with the cage to someone else…

Then I took the cage with the dead hamster and drove to look for another young man, their friend too. I told this young man this is a matter of life and death, we must save this little girl, but at the same time we cannot lie, therefore do exactly as I have planned.
I said I give you this day this cage and hamster, and if the big brother comes to ask you, just say pastor has indeed given you the hamster with the cage, but there is no need to say the hamster is already dead, understand? As for the dead hamster, you find a way to settle it yourself.

Of course the young man had to obey, he accepted the cage and dead hamster obediently. As for what he did with the hamster after that, I did not ask…









The big brother came home from school excitedly looking for his little hamster to play but he found no cage and no hamster! He asked the little sister and the sister answered as I taught her and said Pastor has given the hamster to someone. The brother was very shocked, so he asked why would Pastor give the hamster away out of the blue?? The sister asked him to go and ask Pastor himself…

Though the brother was fierce, he was still not as fierce as Pastor, so he did not dare to come and ask Pastor, he just accepted this cruel fact and probably traumatized by the loss… Though he did not dare to ask Pastor, the puzzle remained in his heart as to why Pastor would do a thing like that…

Many years later, they have all grown up and both brother and sister have graduated from overseas and are outstanding lawyers now. It must have been this year, there was once they gathered at my house and somehow someone mentioned the story of the dead hamster, and said something about me giving a dead hamster to someone… the big brother got more and more curious and asked me the question and doubt he had been keeping in his heart all these years. Then I realized I had never told him the actual story! So I related all the details to him then…

We all had a good laugh, childhood memories, and he was so hurt then and was even feeling kind of “imbalance” with me that I did not ask his permission before giving his hamster away!!! Hahahaha!!

So, do you think this constitutes a lie? Haha…
Also, do you know who the little sister , the big brother and the young man who accepted the dead hamster were? Hahahaha!!

(***Note: This is just a humourous article, for those without a sense of humour, or so very religious and critical or super-spiritual, please relax, haha…)