大年初一主日现场实录 CNY service live recording

主日/Sunday: 14.02.10 (大年初一/1st day of CNY)

主题: 你的财宝在哪里? Where is your treasure?
经文 Scripture : 路
Lk 12:13-21, 29-34

(1) 主不喜悦人贪爱钱财 God is not pleased with greed for money
(i) 要保守自己免去贪心  Be on guard against all kinds of greed : v13-15
(ii) 生命不在乎家道丰富  Life is not all about wealth : v15
(iii) 莫以为有钱就有保障  Wealth is not life’s security : v19-20

(2) 生命乃掌控在神手中 Life is in the hand of God : v20
(i) 要先追求神所喜悦的  Seek first what is pleasing to God : v29-31; 太Mt 6: 33
(ii) 其他的神自会加给你  God Himself will add on to you the other things : v31
(iii) 鉴察你心最在乎什么  Examine what is the greatest concern of your heart : v34