等候是必須的。。。 Waiting is necessary…





Along the journey of life, it is very important to occasionally halt your steps, reorganize your thoughts and ponder and wait for a while before continuing on your journey…
Because sometimes we are too hasty in our steps or too rush in our walk that we can carelessly suffer a fall; or when we are too busy and make our decisions too quickly, we may overlook some crucial details…





To be able to sit and rest a while is good for the body too, allow your strength to be renewed, because after all resting is to prepare for a longer journey…
But do not stop for too long too for you might become slack or forget there is still some road to walk on ahead…





We are not to rest and wait aimlessly too, we must look up and set our eyes on our Heavenly Father, and see whether He has any instruction or has anything to say, let Him guide us…
After all we are walking on the road to heaven, His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

