隐藏才华被发掘。。。 Hidden talent explored…


It was said, environment can transform a person, and it can also motivate your hidden talent…
That day, at KL LCCT, this came to pass on me!
Who would have thought I am actually a talented fly-terminator? If I did not show them, I would never have been noticed…





That day, because we had a few hours to wait for our flight back to Kuching, we went to the shop for some coffee…
Hard to imagine such an important and tourists frequented place could have so many flies covering the tables!
Initially, we only waved our hands to scare the flies away, but they soon returned again… and I could not stand it!
I was amazed at how easily other people, including my companions so easily adjusted and accepted such unwanted company swarming around you…

There was no fly-traps in the shop, I asked my youth to go ask the staff for some fly swat or whatever, he came back empty-handed…
So I asked Jonas to go buy some newspaper which I was going to roll into a “stick” that I could use as a fly swat!
The result… please see my achievement! Within a short period of less than 20 minutes…
I used Nanyang Daily…





Some think I am too free, or too bored till I “killed flies”… I was not, ok?! I was doing the community some good!
Some may think I am very cruel for killing innocent lives… but do you know how dirty flies are and they are disease-carriers? Can’t imagine why flies ought to be protected…

Next, for those who are interested in doing the community some good, I will be generous in sharing my fly-terminating technique…
Observe the following pictures carefully, and please also take note of my stare and body posture, those are crucial…


Step 1: Buy yourself Nanyang Daily, roll into shape, look for your target…


Step 2: Aim at your target, stare fiercely, do not soften your heart…


(与Megan Fox在”Transformers”清理她单车雷同的姿势完全是碰巧,绝无模仿或抄袭。。。)

Step 3: Hit with much strength, but must be the right strength as we must leave the corpse intact… make sure your shirt is not too short or it is unsightly to over-expose yourself…
(The similar posture with Megan Fox cleaning her motorbike in “Transformers” is purely coincidental, definitely no imitation or copying…)



We mentioned that the strength must be right to preserve an intact corpse is with a purpose…
Because the environment has motivated yet another hidden talent, i.e. Zhao’s special art: Design of dead flies


因这整个感人事件是发生在亚航廉航机场,所以为了纪念,阿兆把死苍蝇设计成亚航的口号字眼“FLY”。。。即,“Now everyone can FLY”的意思,很创意吧?

Because this entire touching incident happened at Air Asia’s LCCT, so in remembrance, Zhao designed the dead flies into the word “FLY” taken form Airasia’s slogan “Now everyone can FLY”, very creative, right?
And hopefully Airasia will also do something about the FLY-infestation…