活動行程 Schedule

昨晚第一站,馬六甲。。。 1st stop, Malacca, last night…









We went to the airport at 6am yesterday, flying from Kuching to KL, then we proceeded to Malacca in a chartered bus…

We did have a little rest…

The concert started at 8pm, thank God everything went well…

The dancers presented two new dances “Dare Me To Jump” and “Carried By The Wind” and they did well…

The Remnant were really popular… they have new fans now… and their autograph queue was longer than mine! Sigh…

I launched my latest album last night and presented three songs from that album for the first time, thank God though I was a bit nervous, I sang alright, in tempo and did not forget the words (new songs you see)…

After 15 minutes (7:30am), we’ll be boarding our bus for our next stop in Klang, so will stop my report here temporarily…

Sorry, no photo to upload yet… till then…

展开孤单之旅。。。 Embarking on a journey alone…




Sitting alone at KL International Airport waiting for the flight to Taipei and the subsequent direct flight to Vancouver at midnight…

So-called “journey alone” because this is one the very rare moments when I travel just by myself, especially flying long distance… so this can be regarded as a “special” experience…

But I believe, a journey alone does not have to be lonely because the Lord is always by our side…

加拿大温哥华和美国新泽西聚会。。。 Vancouver and New Jersey meetings…


温哥华  Vancouver : 16/04/10(五/Fri)-18/04/10(日/Sun)

基督敬拜中心  CHRIST WORSHIP CENTER (张培谦牧师  Rev. Stephen Jung)
( 16/04 (Friday) 7:00pm ; 18/04 (Sunday) 2:00pm )
17185, 80 Ave. Surrey. B.C. V4N 3G4
Phone : (604) 575-0742
Fax : (604) 575-0743
丰盛生命灵粮堂  Abundant Life Bread of Life Church.
(17/04/10 (六/Sat) : 7:00pm )
2/F Granville St, VAN
Tel : (604) 3276970

美国  USA : 23/04/10 (五/Fri) – 25/04/10 (六/Sat) :

(1) 紐約長島豐盛生命教會音樂佈道會


主題: 牽我的手

講員: 林義忠牧師

日期: 2010年四月廿三 (週五)

時間: 晚上8:00pm

地點: 長島豐盛生命教會

Long Island Abundant Life Church

7-19 East Marie Street,

Hicksville, NY, 11801

(516) 938-1245

(2) 新澤西台語歸正教會音樂佈道聚會


講員: 林義忠牧師

日期: 2010年四月廿四日


上午10:00am~12:00pm 有敬拜讚美訓練


下午2:00pm ~3:30pm   有長輩們的音樂佈道會 主題:『牽我的手』


晚上7:30pm~9:00pm    音樂佈道會  主題:『牽我的手』

日期: 2010年四月廿五日


主日崇拜證道 10:00am

地點: 新澤西台語歸正教會

Fair Lawn Community Church

10-10 Maxwell Place

Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

(201) 796-1113; 201-310-3700

長島豐盛生命教會 四月廿三(週五) 新澤西台語歸正教會 四月廿四(週六) 四月廿五(主日)
10AM-12PM 敬拜讚美訓練 主日崇拜证道
2PM-3:30PM 長輩音樂佈道會
8PM – 10PM 音樂佈道會 7:30PM-9PM 音樂佈道會