教会相关 Church

蒙福感恩之夜现场录影。。。Live recording of Blessed Thanksgiving night…

The following are different segments of the live recording of our Thanksgiving Night, you may select the segment you would like to watch according to the title… May God bless you abundantly!

赞美敬拜:林义忠带领  /  Praise and Worship led by GT Lim

高伟宏诗歌呈献  /  Songs presentation by Geoff David Koh

沈思秀见证分享  /  Testimony sharing by Esther Sim

2001-2008 排行榜冠军歌曲  / 2001-2008 Blessed Top 20 No.1 hits

2009蒙福诗歌排行榜  /  2009 Blessed Top 20

祷告迎接新的一年  /  Prayer welcoming the new year

 蒙福星期六祷告会现场实录 Blessed Saturday prayer meeting live recording

I feel last night’s (Dec 26th) prayer meeting was rather special, and the message towards the end was a good reminder too, so I decided to upload it, may God bless you greatly…

乔派柏牧师医治特会现场实录 Ps. Joe Poppell’s special healing meetings live recording


May all those watching be encouraged in your faith, and also experience God’s amazing healing and deliverance…


今晚 22/11/2009(日)6:30pm 最后一场 。
Final meeting tonight 22/11/2009 (Sun) at 6:30pm.