林义忠主日讲道实录: 错误的同心 GT Lim Sunday sermon live: The wrong kind of unity

蒙福主日 04.09.11
讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. Lim GT)

United to spread own name: *创 Gen. 11:1-9
i) 的确非常同心
Were really very united: v1-4
ii) 也可无恶不做
Could do evil together as well: v5-6
iii) 上帝绝对拦阻
God would surely hinder: v7-9

United to lie to the church: *徒 Acts 5:1-11
i) 装作奉献全部
Pretended to give all: v1-2
ii) 夫妻同心隐瞒
Husband and wife concealed the truth together:
v3-4, 7-9
iii) 落得悲惨下场
Ended up horribly: v5-6, 10