Tag Archive - 林义忠布道会,GT Lim evangelistic meetings

View photos of GT Lim’s meeting at Trinity Western University, Vancouver

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超自然的力量。。。 Supernatural strength…




I often tell brothers and sisters, very busy people like us who need to work, take care of families, serve God etc… sometimes it is hard to choose, so we really need strength and energy different from normal people, otherwise how can we compete in this world…

I tell them, sometimes (not all the time) when we do not have a choice, that is when we are already lacking in sleep and rest and yet we have to carry on working, then we must really ask God for supernatural strength to help us overcome and to do the job well with good results…

I experienced it again today…




This time I flew to Vancouver under a very busy and exhausting condition, because I had promised them earlier so I must keep my promise, so I compelled myself to come…
I did not have much rest in the flight, in fact I even practised my songs in the plane!

Arrived at Vancouver after 9pm, waiting for my luggage, going to supper with friends after that, and it was midnight by the time I reached home… I was told someone would come and fetch me at 9:30am for a pastors’ fellowship, and my first concert would start that same day at 7pm at Trinity Western University… I was a bit concerned when I heard because normal people would get very tired due to jet lag problem and I did not seem to have time to rest and adjust… There is a difference of 15 hours between Malaysian and Vancouver time, night and day upside down… After settling down, it was about 2am when I went to bed, and due to jet lag, I woke up a few times too…

I joined the local pastors’ combined-prayer meeting, thank God that they surrounded me to bless and lay hand on me to rejuvenate my spirit… After that I quickly went home to prepare, as by 4:30pm someone would come and fetch me to go to Trinity University which would take at least one hour by car…

‘Cos of the rush, my hair was really not “happening” (is that very important? Haha…)

Looks like I’ve been wearing this coat a lot lately…

In the morning pastors’ fellowship, there was even someone who mistook me for a university student, how could that be?!… So should I fell happy or sad about that? Hahaha…

During sound check, I was alrerady feeling physically weak, sleepy, and my singing was not smooth too… so I immediately prayed in my heart while I was rehearsing because it is a very important thing to save souls, I must not be careless…

Thanks God for hearing my prayer, when the meeting started, my strength, voice and energy were restored as soon as I went on stage… this is what I called supernatural strength!

This first meeting was with the Christians fellowship of the university, mostly students from Mainland China, though not many people, the atmosphere was good…

My favourite and happiest moment is of course seeing souls saved during the altar call…

加拿大温哥华和美国新泽西聚会。。。 Vancouver and New Jersey meetings…


温哥华  Vancouver : 16/04/10(五/Fri)-18/04/10(日/Sun)

基督敬拜中心  CHRIST WORSHIP CENTER (张培谦牧师  Rev. Stephen Jung)
( 16/04 (Friday) 7:00pm ; 18/04 (Sunday) 2:00pm )
17185, 80 Ave. Surrey. B.C. V4N 3G4
Phone : (604) 575-0742
Fax : (604) 575-0743
丰盛生命灵粮堂  Abundant Life Bread of Life Church.
(17/04/10 (六/Sat) : 7:00pm )
2/F Granville St, VAN
Tel : (604) 3276970

美国  USA : 23/04/10 (五/Fri) – 25/04/10 (六/Sat) :

(1) 紐約長島豐盛生命教會音樂佈道會


主題: 牽我的手

講員: 林義忠牧師

日期: 2010年四月廿三 (週五)

時間: 晚上8:00pm

地點: 長島豐盛生命教會

Long Island Abundant Life Church

7-19 East Marie Street,

Hicksville, NY, 11801

(516) 938-1245

(2) 新澤西台語歸正教會音樂佈道聚會


講員: 林義忠牧師

日期: 2010年四月廿四日


上午10:00am~12:00pm 有敬拜讚美訓練


下午2:00pm ~3:30pm   有長輩們的音樂佈道會 主題:『牽我的手』


晚上7:30pm~9:00pm    音樂佈道會  主題:『牽我的手』

日期: 2010年四月廿五日


主日崇拜證道 10:00am

地點: 新澤西台語歸正教會

Fair Lawn Community Church

10-10 Maxwell Place

Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

(201) 796-1113; 201-310-3700

長島豐盛生命教會 四月廿三(週五) 新澤西台語歸正教會 四月廿四(週六) 四月廿五(主日)
10AM-12PM 敬拜讚美訓練 主日崇拜证道
2PM-3:30PM 長輩音樂佈道會
8PM – 10PM 音樂佈道會 7:30PM-9PM 音樂佈道會