Tag Archive - miracles

父亲节-上帝送我一辆车和一栋房子!! Father’s Day – God gave me a car and a house!!

Wow! You must be full of envy when you see me receiving such lucrative gifts! And some are probably getting ready their bullets to shoot at me… Haha!

特邀美国讲员(Steven Lee弟兄)感人分享。。。 Touching sharing from special guest speaker from USA – Bro. Steven Lee…

蒙福主日/Blessed Sunday service : 18/04/2010

* Please note there are part 1 and part 2 in the playlist. You can subscribe to our PodCast by clicking the “Subscribe to our Podcast” button below, it will automatically download and play the video clip from your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch/iPod or iTunes.

* 请注意此视讯分为两个阶段(第一堂与第二堂)。您可以点击以下的订阅PodCast按键来订阅我们的PodCast,并且自动下载这些视讯到您的iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/iPod或iTunes上播放。

祷告会的见证。。。 Testimonies from prayer meeting…






From the initial ten or so people to the current about a thousand people who come to the prayer meeting every Saturday, there has to be a reason…

If you ask them, many would say they experience the presence of God; and there are many testimonies too, that is why they continue to come and bring new friends as well…

If you are one of those who experiences God in the prayer meeting and has some testimony, do share in the comment box here, through this many more will be encouraged to come and pray…

If you are not from Blessed Church, but you have also experienced God in other prayer meetings, of course you are welcomed to share with us here and to encourage each other too…
