我写巫启贤。。。 Writing about Eric Moo ( Wu Qi Xian )

我和启贤的认识始于去年(2008)三月,藉马嫂(已故知名制作人马兆骏遗孀,Juby)的介绍与推荐,当时才信主未到一年的巫启贤很爽快的答应来 我们教会,参与他首次的传福音事工,作我们布道会的嘉宾!虽很“冒险”,我们当然也感到很荣幸和兴奋这大歌星竟然答应来我们这小城市。。。

对启贤的第一个印象。。。皮肤晒得好黑!    First impression of Eric… his skin is really scorched by the sun!

启贤终于抵达了,黑黑的皮肤,长得不是很高,穿着T-恤和短裤,拖着他高尔夫球棒的大包包出来。。。打高尔夫球好像是他的命,来那几天也一定要打,还清 晨五、六点就起床去打球了!他后来承认说,他起初想,来古晋这小地方前前后后五天才要他的命呢!但是后来他”爱上”我们了,答应以后还会回来。。。我们还在等 那一天!

在机场欢迎他时,他看起来好像不太热情或友善。。。我边走边告诉他这几天节目的安排;他显得有点不耐烦,甚至还对我的一些安排回应说“有这个必要 吗?”!天啊!难怪他会得罪一些人!


在车里,可能大家都有点压力和紧张,难免会语无伦次;但充当司机的志强弟兄也有点离谱吧,竟然毫不经意的哼起 “ 守住你的承诺太傻。。。”!!!在人家超女/快乐女声“毒舌”评审面前哼起他的成名曲耶!是在挑战他我们唱的比较好听是吗?。。。还好我们的评审在后座也 没什么反应,大概他飞了整天很累了,懒得理我们。。。


启贤的确是很棒的创作歌手,擅于自弹自唱。    Eric is indeed a very outstanding composer-singer, very good at playing the guitar himself to accompany his own singing.

安顿他在饭店后我亲自载他去电台访问,在路上找话题随口问问:你那么会写歌,现在信主了可有考虑为主写一些诗歌?。。。不问还好,他的回答真是会让 你想,这个人讲话怎么那么直啊!他很理所当然又毫不迟疑的回答说:有!因我听过的福音诗歌都太难听了!。。。哈哈哈!我都不知该哭还是笑!他可知本尊是福 音诗歌创作歌手啊?真不知道他所听过的难听诗歌有没有包括我的在里面!
但他也真的说到做到哦,那晚在饭店他就真的创作一首新歌給主了!但也不能说是完全新 的歌啦,他是从他随身带来的教会诗歌本当中挑了一首大概他觉得旋律很难听的诗歌,照着原来的歌词,以新的旋律唱出来… 后来在几千人的布道会上还教大家唱呢!

启贤跟观众很有互动。。。    Eric has good rapport with the audience…

第一晚布道会开始了,我们先有一段赞美敬拜在前面。。。轻轻松松带领大家唱喜乐的歌。。。却没想到在后台的启贤竟然稀里哗啦哭得像个小孩!后来还抱 着随来的Juby,和另一位也是我们嘉宾的歌手邰正宵,三个人哭成一团。。。我看另外两个是被启贤感染的吧。。。他后来说他没想到赞美神可以是那么开心的 事情,而且原来诗歌可以那么动人好听(感谢主他会欣赏我们的创作!);所以他很激动的哭出来了!甚至轮到他在台上分享时,他说着说着又感动得哭了!神真是摸 着他的心了。。。那一晚我看到启贤赤子之心。。。

启贤一时很感动的向大家鞠躬,谢谢大家给他机会分享。。。    Eric was very touched by the moment, bowing his head to thank the audience for giving him a chance to share…



我们超喜欢启贤唱的“爱有多深就有多远”。。。    We really love his rendering of ” The deeper the love, the longer the distance”…


原来他们想邀请启贤去布道,可是启贤坚持要我们一起去他才要去!所以叫那牧师跟我安排,邀请我们过去!我顿时感到好难为情,就把启贤再叫来听电话,我说事 情不能这样子的,人家本都没意思要邀请我去!
我就告诉他说 别人教会的敬拜赞美搞不好比我们更棒呢,他还是坚持说他不管!简直像一个任性的小孩。。。你能想象这是巫启贤吗?哈哈!

你看,是不是很像个任性的小孩?    Look, doesn’t he look like a very persistent kid?



很开心、纯真的表情。。。    A very happy and innocent expression…


左边的是我,你看得出右边的是谁吗?    That’s me on the left, can you tell who is that on the right?

My acquaintance with Eric started last March (2008) through Juby (the widow of the late famous recording producer Jeff Ma) who recommended Eric to be our guest artiste for an evangelistic meeting. Eric readily agreed to this very first Gospel assignment of his! Though it was kind of  “risky” for us, we were of course very excited and honoured too that this superstar would actually agree to come to our small city…

He finally arrived, dark-skinned, not very tall, wearing a T-shirt and bermuda shorts, pulling his baggage of golf staffs… Playing golf seems to be his life, he must play golf even when he came for only a few days, even getting up at 5 or 6 am for his golf game! Later he confessed to us, before he came he was actually thinking how he was going to survive this small city of Kuching for the 5 days or so that he was to be here for! But later he did “fall in love” with us that he promised he would come back again some day… we are still waiting for that day!

When we welcomed him at the airport, he did not seem very warm or friendly… walking along I briefed him at the same time the arrangement for his next few days’ programmes, he appeared somewhat agitated, and at one point even questioned whether my certain arrangement was necessary at all! My goodness! No wonder he was said to have offended some people!
Later we got to know there was a reason behind this attitude of his, as he later explained to me he thought I was a tour guide sent by some company!!! Sigh, who is to blame that I don’t look like a pastor at all?

As soon as he stepped out of the airport, without warning, he took out a cigarette and started smoking! I just about fainted! Come on, this is my invited speaker for our evangelistic rally! How am I going to explain to my church… Immediately I said to the Lord in my heart: O Lord, was I too hasty in making this decision of inviting this person without actually knowing his background? O Lord, have mercy!

In the car, may be we all were under pressure and feeling nervous, so occasional senseless chatter was understandable, but I think our “driver” Kelvin was a bit too carried away when he unconsciously started to hum the song that was Eric’s biggest hit!!! Come on, singing the top hit of this infamous cynical judge of a top singing talent show?? Are you trying to say you can sing better than him?… Just as well our judge did not respond at all in the back seat, perhaps he was very weary from flying whole day that he was too lazy to give us any attention…

Arriving at the hotel, the room was not ready, so we waited at the coffee bar… For us, of course we drank coffee, what about Eric? He started smoking again! My, the guy was seriously addicted to cigarettes! I did not know him well, and he seemed a bit impatient with me, so I did not know how to tell him to quit smoking…

After settling his hotel room, I personally drove him to the radio station for interview…trying to start some topic of conversation, I simply asked: since you are such a good song-writer, and now that you are a Christian, have you considered writing songs for God?… My innocent question provoked an answer that really blew your mind to think why is this person so blunt!
‘Cos without hesitation, he answered as-a-matter-of-factly: Yes! Because all the Christian songs I’ve heard so far are so horribly written!… Hahaha! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry! Did he know Uncle GT Lim talking to him now is a Christian song-writer at all? I wondered whether the horrible Christian songs he had heard included mine!
But he really did keep his word ‘cos that night he really wrote a new song for the Lord in his hotel room! Actually we can’t really say it’s an entirely new song, ‘cos he just picked a certain song from the songbook he brought along which he must have thought was so horrible sounding and wrote a new melody from the original lyrics… and later he even taught the thousands of people who came to the crusade to sing that song!

First night of the crusade, we had praise and worship at the beginning… I was leading some lively and joyful songs… unexpectedly Eric was crying like a baby back stage! Till he hugged Juby who came along, and another invited guest, Samuel Tai, to cry together… I think the other two cried mainly because they were affected by him… He later said he was moved to tears ‘cos he never knew praising God could be something so joyful and that Christian songs could be so beautiful and touching ( thank God he appreciated our songs! )! He broke down and cried again while sharing halfway on stage because he felt so touched! God had really touched his heart… that night I saw a child-like heart in Eric…

After that we became good friends, and we discovered he was actually quite happy-go-lucky and naughty; once he started talking, it would be hard to get him to stop… and he wasn’t annoyed with this “tour guide” anymore… He was also very grateful for our acceptance and “boldness” to allow him to learn to serve…

We sent Eric off reluctantly, I half-joked with him that he is the missionary we sent to Beijing…
Indeed as soon as he was back in Beijing, he told me he had started reaching out to friends for the Lord… He was very serious about it, having a simple faith towards the Lord…

Few months later, I suddenly received a phone call from Eric telling me he was in KL; without “head or tail”, he said a certain pastor wanted to speak to me and while I was still puzzled he passed the phone to the pastor…
Then I was told they wanted to invite Eric for their church’s evangelistic concert but Eric insisted that on condition they invite us too! So he asked the pastor to arrange with me to get us over as well! I felt rather awkward and asked to speak with Eric again, I told him that is not how things work… I said they didn’t even intend to invite us, so how could he force them!
He answered and said he didn’t care ‘cos he was already used to our style of praise and worship, and even said we had “spoilt” him, so we must go and help him!
So I told him that church’s praise and worship could well be better than ours but he still insisted that he didn’t care, he just wanted us to go! Really like a very persistent kid… Can you imagine that is Eric? Haha!

So, despite my very tight schedule, I brought my band to KL to support him in early December… When we met him there, the first thing he came to tell me excitedly and joyfully was : Pastor Lim, I have quit smoking!

He said not long ago a ceratin church brother told him to try asking God to help him to quit smoking, and he did as he was told when he went home that day; and beyond what he could ever imagine, without any struggle or difficulty, in a split of a second right there and then, his addiction to cigarettes was broken till this day! Praise the Lord!

This is the Eric Moo that I know – someone who has a simple faith towards God’s love and God’s Word, who shows his true temperament, no pretense or beating around the bush… can you not like him?