圣经考试考题提示。。。 Tips for Bible exam…

Alright, since everyone seems so hardworking and under pressure, out of the kindness of my heart I’ll give you some tips here:

1) 我看了高伟宏少团的考卷,我的没他的那么难,但参考他的考卷的确会有一点帮助。
I’ve seen Wei Hong’s Youth mock paper, mine is not as difficult but it will indeed help a little if you take a look at his paper.

2) 有关所罗门建殿那一课,不必那么辛苦去读代下第三和第四章啦,但读了也对你的灵命很造就。
With regard the topic on Solomon building the temple, no need to be so hard on yourselves studying Chp 3 and 4 of 2 Chronicles, but if you do read those two chapters,
it is indeed very edifying for your spiritual life.

3) DanielJ 告诉我你们一些人正积极考察研究亚伯拉罕行程的地图,哇!我真为你们感到骄傲,请继续研究那地图,虽然没有任何考题跟那有关,但对你们灵命成长很有益处!
Daniel J told me about some of you guys studying a map on Abraham’s journey, wow! I’m so proud of you guys, keep studying that even though no question on that will come out,
it is very good for your spiritual growth!

4) 总共有75题选择题占75分,剩下25分是填充题,但我发现只有三课有叫你们背经文,所以那几个经文要背得滚瓜烂熟,就很容易拿满分哦!
There are 75 objective questions altogether which carry 75 marks, so the rest of the 25 marks are filling in the blanks, but I discovered only 3 lessons actually asked you to memorise some verses,
so you must memorise those few verses so thoroughly front to back, back to front and you will easily score full marks!

Any more questions? If I happen to check my comment box, may be I’ll answer your queries… and please spread the word to others that there are exam tips here, don’t be too selfish, haha…