如果有這麼一條河。。。 If there is such a river…


If there is such a river, the water can wash away all your sins; all your filth and dirt you have been contaminated with can be taken away by the river, would you go everywhere to search for this river?


If there is such a river, the water can wash away all your shame, remorse and regrets… would you run to look for this river?


If there is such a river, the water can cleanse you totally, give you a brand new start, and brighten up your journey ahead, would you immediately jump into the river to renew yourself?


然而当你找到这条河时,若它看起来不如你所想像,感觉不是你所幻想,或某种原因使你排斥、动摇,你会不会就掉头离开,就此放弃,而不去给自己一个翻转的机会。。。?However when you have found this river but if it does not appear as what you have expected or does not feel as you have imagined, or for some reason it causes you reject or be shaken, would you just turn and go away and give up, not giving yourself a chance to be transformed…?


The truth is who would not want such a river? The truth is such a river does exist, and the truth is once many people find this river, they would not be able to accept it and they would quickly turn and just walk away…


Such a river is the river of the Holy Spirit of Jesus, in this river you can be born again, forgiven, cleansed, renewed… as long as you open up your heart to believe and receive, this river will flow into your heart and soul and restore your spirit….
