我遇见孙燕姿 I Met Stephanie Sun Yan Zi

我不是追星族,也不迷任何歌星、明星,我早已渡过那种年龄。。。老实说,除了要做参考之外,我本身已很久不听流行曲;但我会很注意这方面的新闻和动静,晓得谁很红、很出名、很有才华等等。。。孙燕姿我当然知道,这一次因为去了北京找Jaydon(他是孙燕姿演唱会的团员之一), 又受我的好友KennC之邀(他是孙燕姿演唱会音乐总监),帮我弄来演唱会最贵的票,得以坐在最前面观赏孙燕姿在北京的演唱会,也是我生平所观赏的第一个类似的演唱会。。。经验很特别,对燕姿的表现和专业也很佩服和欣赏。。。演唱会过后他们竟然也带我去参加庆功宴!就是在那边遇见孙燕姿,她给人的感觉很亲切友善,一点也没摆大歌星的架子,也很大方的跟我们一起合照。。。她给我留下很好的印象。。。

I don’t run after stars and I’m not crazy about any singer or film star, I’m long past that age… Honestly, apart from for references’ sake, I myself haven’t listened to pop music for a long time. However I do follow the news in this area and know what is going on, like I know who are very popular and famous, very talented etc… So of course I know who Stephanie Sun is. This time it was because I went to Beijing to see Jaydon who is a team member of Stephanie’s concert, and also upon my good friend KennC’s invitation ( who is Stephanie’s concert music director ), that I got to watch her concert in Beijing sitting right in front with the most expensive ticket Kenn managed to get for me. That was also the first time I had ever been to such a concert…. It was a very special experience and I admired and was very impressed with Stephanie’s performance and professionalism…After the concert they even brought me to the celebration with them! And that was where I met Stephanie, she gave me a very warm and friendly feeling, she didn’t act like a stuck up diva, and she happily allowed us to take a picture with her…. She left a very good impression with me.

Jaydon stef pastor

左边的是例外人,右边的是例外人的爸爸。。。中间的当然是燕姿啦!  Remnant on the left, Remnant’s dad on the right…and of course the middle one is Stephanie!