唱片相關 Albums

恭喜得奖者!!但他们到底是谁。。。?? Congratulations to the winners!! But who are they really?


I have decided to use “Who Is This Really?” as my new album’s title, it was also my original choice right from the start and in the end I returned to this choice again… as to why?
Please purchase my new album and you will know why, haha…

恭喜!!猜对主题的有几位罢了,但我也只能送前面三位,他们就是 :1. Winnie Bong    2. Renee Tan    3. Chieng

请在6月27日之前向同工晓薇报告(Tel : 082-367740),她就会留一份我的新专辑给你们哦!

Congratulations!! Only a few guessed the title right, but I can only give to the first three persons, they are : 1. Winnie Bong    2. Renee Tan    3. Chieng

Please report to my staff Xiao Wei (Tel : 082-367740) before June 27th and she will reserve a copy of my new CD for you!

有人猜对我新专辑主题。。。 Some guessed right the title of my new album…



At least THREE people guessed my new title right… who are they? And I’m also considering awarding someone with “Best Comment” award, and who could that be?

I will also set another competition to give more people an opportunity to win some prize…? What would the next question be?

一个小秘密,和一封很鼓励我的信。。。 A little secret, and a very encouraging letter to me…

I have a little secret, you may not believe it if I told you, but you might just agree…