教会相关 Church

新加坡留影:我和007牧师。。。 Images in Singapore: Pastor James Bond Lee and I…

These were taken in Blessed Grace Church Singapore on Jan 30th…

Ps Bond welcomed me on stage, briefing me on a few important things, what I can do, what I cannot do…

After briefing me, he was still very concerned, scared that I would break the rules, so monitoring me from the side…

In the end he said I passed, haha…

考试?压力?放轻松啦。。。 Exam? Pressure? Just relax…

Wow! Thank God, last night I was burning midnight oil till about 4am, and got up again at 8 something, all for the love of my sheep, because I do not want to disappoint you all, no matter how tough, I must finish setting the exam paper for all of you…
I kind of hear someone singing ” How great thou art, how great thou art…”, hahahaha!

Actually it was not really possible to set any exam questions in Singapore as I came back to the hotel very late each day after recording, feeling tired, needing a rest for to continue recording the next day…
So I was very concerned about the exam paper problem then, just that I didn’t tell you all… haha…
But thank God, now I can heave a sigh of relief…

Many people always “complain” I torture you all during exam time, and this time some said I caused you all not to have a relaxing new year…. Oi! It’s because I want you to have a relaxing new year, that’s why I rushed to give you the exam now before new year! Really feels like the kind-hearted being struck by lightning! Haha!

One day you will understand my effort and know how beneficial this Bible exam is for you; so in the meantime I’ll just ignore whatever you guys want to say, haha…

But honestly, you guys think you are suffering so much studying for the exam, it’s even harder for me to set the questions, not just to think of 75 questions but 300 answers for you all to choose too…
Then to translate all into English… Did I hear someone singing “How great thou art, how great thou art…” again? Haha….
See? So tired I could even sleep on the dining table like in my bed…

Now what I want to do the most is go to my room and have a good rest, and yet I am here encouraging you all, comforting you all, and even giving you guys some tips… let’s sing together “why are you so good to me~~”…

In conclusion, I’ll still say to you all, the exam this time is not that difficult, take a look at my tips in the previous post, then look into the mirror and encourage yourselves and say “Yes, I can do it!” haha… May God be with you all, see you tonight in the exam hall, hahahaha!

韩国牧师特会现场录影 Live recording of special meeting with guest preachers from Korea

Pastors and elder from Full Gospel Church, Korea ( Ps Cho Yonggi’s church ) visited…

Ps Cui preached and Ps Zhang interpreted

Supper time after the meeting, Ps Cui and Elder Lin

Ps Zhang and I…

Part 1. 赞美敬拜(林义忠带领)Praise and Worship led by GT Lim

Part 2. 信息分享-崔牧师  Message by Ps Cui