Tag Archive - 回忆往事,感人故事,盼望,上帝的怜悯

卧室的秘密。。。 Bedroom secrets…


Bedrooms must be the most private place for every individual. Are there any secrets hidden in your bedroom? Or do you like your bedroom at all? Why?
Today I am going to share some bedroom secrets with you… that of course is my own bedroom, anyone has the right to reveal his own “secrets”, but as for other people’s secrets, unless they allow it or they do not mind, otherwise we must not simply reveal!




I believe everyoe would love to have his own bedroom but not everyone is blessed with such, especially when you have a big family and live in places where space is limited…
So if right now  you do have your own room, you had better treasure it and be thankful and make the best use of it…

From a person’s bedroom you can kind of figure out his personality, interests, habits etc…
The decoration, tidiness, cleanliness, things collected etc could reveal your secrets.
If without prior notice someone wants to visit your bedroom, would you allow? Of course we can rightfully refuse for privacy reason, or there are valuables or for hygiene, etc; but dome people do not dare to show people their room because it is too messy, dirty, or they are too lazy to tidy their room or for fear of spoiling their reputation… if so, then we would have to examine ourselves!



As for me, all along I am quite proud of my own bedroom, not just now… Perhaps it is because I have the habit to make my my bed and I have always liked to decorate my room?
When I was studying in New Zealand, when friends visited, we mostly used the bedroom to chit chat too because the lounge was not for personal use.
In New Zealand we wore the shoes to the room, initially I was not used to that but after a while I did not feel it was that dirty afterall!



I liked to put my bed next to the window, liked the feeling of the sun shining in especially when the climate there was cold…
This was my room in my final year before I came back to Malaysia…



Used to like to stick things on the wall as decoration, kind fo a bit over-decorated, haha!
The reeds were cut from outside…
Did you notice the Chinese caligraphy on the wall? Those were written by my dad personally and given to me before I came to New Zealand to study, that was my non-expressive dad’s way of expressing his love for me, I kept the writings till this day…


以前很喜欢中国画,不说你不知,我的很多中国画是古晋Akimedia的董事之一Mr. Ng画的,他是我就读古晋市镇中学时最好的朋友。。。

The decor on the wall would change too, otherwise would be too boring after a while…
I used to like Chinese paintings a lot. You would never know if I do not say it, almost all my Chinese paintings were the work of one of the directors of Akimedia in Kuching, Mr. Ng. He was my best friend when I was studying at Kuching Town Secondary School…


One of my happiest moments would be to play the guitar and sing by myself in my room. It would be hard to stop once I started and I could indulge myself for hours without considering whether my neighbour was already vomitting blood by such torture…



This is my first personal bedroom in New Zealand, that was also my first year at university…
Look at that hairstyle…


我也是在这房间里写出我第一首和早期的创作,墙壁的中国画就是Mr. Ng画的,他真的很有才华!

I lived there for quite a few years, I chose the smallest room so it was not that cold in winter and I could not afford a good heater.
The landlord did improve on the house too later.
This was the room where I wrote my first and earliest songs. The Chinese paintings on the wall are all the work of Mr. Ng, he is really talented!



Today my bedroom is of course very different and of course I love it very much, thank God for His blessing and grace…
These are some “little secrets” of my bedroom, sorry nothing very dramatic and shocking, guess you are very disappointed? Haha…




他痛苦的說:我不要死。。。(續) He said painfully: I don’t want to die… (Part 2)






想到这里,我感到惭愧,这么容易的一个举动,有时候我都不太愿意给,可是这个小举动 却让他感受到世界还有人爱他。


I went to the hospital to understand the situation. The doctor said because he drank pesticide, his throat, trachea and stomach were all burnt and damaged, so he could not eat or drink anything anymore. The condition was very severe, the doctor predict he could not survive through that night.

I walked towards his bed. He looked at me, he was very alert and could still speak. I held his hand and asked why he did that.
He looked at me with much emotion, tears circling his eyes and said, “Pastor, I’m sorry, I don’t want to die, I really don’t want to die now… Will Jesus forgive me?”

I prayed for him, for the Lord to forgive and have mercy on him, and also for God to manifest His miracle. I left at about eleven midnight, at that time he still could not eat anything. I thought he would pass away that night…

Miracle happened! News from the hospital the next morning said he was very alert mentally, and he could even eat and drink normally! But the X-ray report clearly stated that was not possible because his throat etc all the way to the stomach were all damaged! I really doubted the doctor’s conclusion or examination, the doctor was still very adamant though could not explain the phenomenon… He continued to be normal for the next few days. I began to believe that he was going to survive.

On the fourth day, report from the hospital…
He died.
I was very shocked!

I heard, in the afternoon on the third day, he called his mother to his side. He asked for forgiveness from his mother saying he was not a good son, that he did not take good care of and provide for her. Then, according to the patient next to his bed, that night he was singing songs of praise softly and continuosly till dawn, and he became very quiet.
His neighbour thought he must have grown tired and fell asleep, but when the nurse came around to check, he had passed away peacefully, no pain, no struggle…
Singing softly to the Lord till he left this world, guess that was God’s mercy for him? And I also believe it was the Lord Himself who came to bring him home.

On the day of the funeral, his mother came over specially to me and told me her son said, though he was useless, there was still someone who loved him in this world. He told his mother that his pastor loved him and would hug him everytime…
I felt ashamed as I think about this, such an easy act and sometimes I would be so unwilling to give. And yet this little act caused him to feel there was still someone who loved him in this world.
However, I did thank God I obeyed His prompting in my heart.

O Lord, may my heart never grow hard, may I feel Your heart every moment and willingly obey Your desire…




他痛苦的說:我不要死。。。 He said painfully: I don’t want to die…











I have forgotten which year it was, I can only remember I was practising some songs for Christmas that afternoon. The phone rang…

The other side conveyed me the news that he had committed suicide, they asked whether I could go to the hospital. The doctor said there was no hope and he would not survive through that night…
I was stunned! My mind was blank! Was he not alright just three days ago? Was I not counselling him then in my office? Why did he do this foolish thing again?

I could not leave immediately, I could only go at night. I prayed for God’s mercy that He would perform a miracle that I would still be able to see him and talk to him, or perhaps that he would live miraculously…

He was a single man of slightly more than thirty years old. He was suffering from depression, the result of superstitiously believing in some fortune-teller’s nonsense and waiting for the “day” he would strike gold but it never came and he had a breakdown.

When he first came to church, messy hair, shrivelled shirt, and some unpleasant body odour, you could tell he was full of worries, could also tell his mental condition was not so sound, and there was no need to guess that he had no friend.

After the service, he came up to be prayed for. I laid hand on him. There was a prompting in my heart to give him a hug to let him know Jesus loves him and that I do not reject him too… but… what with his not very sound mind, and appearance, and the smell…? Anyway, I obeyed my heart and gave him a hug and subsequently I would try my best to give him a hug each time after I had prayed for him.

Once, on his own initiative, with a smiling face he told us no one could ever see him smile before.
He began to have some hope for living though his mental condition was still in the process of getting better.

Not everyone at home was a Christian, inadvertently they could not stand a grown man not going out to work to earn some money.
So on and off they would push him to go look for a job.

Three days before he committed suicide he came to see me, telling me he could not handle the pressure from home.
I continued to encourage him and held his hand to pray with him. He could even shake my hand and smile and say thanks to me.
I thought everything would be alright, then suddenly the news came… ( To be continued…)